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2002-06-27 - 5:03 p.m.


Is the week over yet?

Good news: I don�t have walking pneumonia.

Bad news: I just have an icky cold that won�t die.

Rah me.

Today I just feel tired. I have a very long to do list. Much to do professionally, personally, and SCA-wise. Some days, it�s very tiring to be the organized one�

�It�s hard to keep momentum when it�s you that your are following� -Evita

Great, now the score for Evita is stuck in my head.

Work? On the assignment I really dislike, I continue to (a) be left with the position description of two people (and I hate the �temporary management� work I�ve been assigned. Yeah, so I�m good at it � it still sucks) (b) to be left out of the loop on most important technical information and (c) never get to do any of the fun work.

And it�s sucking all my time away from my beloved fun project. I still haven�t decided how to approach this with my boss for fear he�ll put me on evil project full time.


Yawn. Tonight? When I get home, which will be hideously late because I have to stay late to catch up for the stuff I missed yesterday afternoon - (The doctor gave me something that put me to sleep in twenty minutes so I passed out in the afternoon and was up all night, leaving me with 4ish hours sleep before work today, yet still behind on my work hours) - I get to clean or grocery shop or finish the KMoL stuff I didn�t get to last night.


And, just as I�m late for the hated Thursday morning meeting, I find I can�t park anywhere near the building. I finally see a spot, and this blonde, absorbed in her makeup and cell phone conversation, cuts me off without apology to scam the space.

Bah. One of those small petty things that makes you tired and crazy.

Bah. I�m thinking of booking two plane tickets to Australia and calling Nia.

Scribble to Theo

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