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2002-06-25 - 9:23 a.m.

Blood red moon

Raced home last night down a dark, forested road under an ominous blood red moon. I put Scottish bagpipe music in the CD Player and tried to call Padraiga.

The phone was busy, so I turned up the pipes and drove faster.

Why red, I wonder. The horrible air quality in the area?

Something, probably the lingering cold, is turning my voice into a rasp � alas, a croak really, not a sexy Nina Simone thing.

Why red? It feels ... portentious.

That's probably the lack of sleep talking, but since solistice, I've been having alarming dreams - ones where I wake myself up and change my mind about what I'm dreaming.

Methodist girl's celtic blood seems to be stirring.

Scribble to Theo

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