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2002-05-16 - 1:49 p.m.

How far to Canaan

When Israel was in Egypt land,
(let my people go)
Oppressed so hard,
They could not stand,
(let my people go)

If I could sing worth a damn, I swear I'd walk into our Thursday meeting and lead a rousing chorus of "Go down Moses"

The icky project continues to be chaotic. I apparently missed a major yelling match while I was in the land of NoD - so now I hear about it through office gossip because agenda and meeting minutes are a foreign concept to this group.

Go down, Moses,
Way Down to Egypt land!
Gonna tell old Pharoah,
He's gotta let my people go!

In the vacuum of technical leadership created by Burl, I have one lead that refuses to work on my task anymore until people above me give them a written baseline which we can't get to without his results. I have another that refuses to review requirements until they see the design implementation (Um, the what comes before how). I have one discipline where two engineers are desperately pretending they're not in charge hoping their management will let them off the project. I have an outside group refusing to comment until they see drawings - which I can't send them until they provide the non-disclosure agreements I've been requesting for the past eight weeks.

Let them not in bondage toil,
(let my people go)
Instead, emerge, with Egypt's spoil!,
(let my people go)

Milk and honey sounds really good about now.

I'm in a very sunshiny mood today. Robert, Ilse, Ryan, Kyna, Rags and Roland helped me finish this quarter's filing and packets. Takes me about four-five hours to prepare a packet. Kinko's online - upload .pdf's, pick up your order the next day. More technology than sense.

It takes about eight to ten hours to do all the filing and packets. Or, it takes seven people that I feed a good dinner just over an hour.

I'm still cogitating how to balance my workload. The chaos project is actually showing some signs of working toward order. Which means lots of extra effort in the short term - much needed effort - but I can't keep pace on a half time status. And, boy, I do NOT want to be full time. This means I'm falling behind on my favored project. Frowny face.

Must figure out how to approach my boss on this without him deciding to put me on evil project full time. Of course, I might just go job shopping if that happens.

Weekend starts very soon.

So let us all from slavery flee,
(let my people go)
And soon may all the earth be free,
(let my people go)

Scribble to Theo

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