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2002-06-28 - 2:21 p.m.

Sushi, apples, marscapone and chai

Aaaah. Gen and Roland saved me from the Bahs.

First, Gen torments me into doing the silly Goggle search on �Theodora is� � apparently an organization that trains international clown doctors. Yep, you read that right.

Fondation Theodora trains clown doctors.

That will put your day in perspective.

Then, Roland took an IM order for nigiri sushi while I was on the phone with the OTE folks�

Rob: That�s a lot of sushi!

Me: One apple, a yogurt and a bag of chips in the past 12 hours. I. Am. Starving.

� and, by the time I finished my last memos of the day it was waiting for me when I got home. I shocked myself by actually eating it all. Lean protein, ahhhh.

Then, I was smarter than average and rather than doing any of my chores, we went over to Alan and Gen�s to help them put a dent in the alcohol leftover from their wedding.

Corbie ran across an article on apples and sushi, which envinces the theory that all Mac users like sushi. Susie is our exception (It�s the squid thing that eeks me out), but then Susie�s always been exceptional. Come to think of it, all my fellow Mac users at work love sushi.

Gen, who�d already listened to my rough day story, greeted us with cold drinks and munchies and a present for me. (Me, me, all about me!) � a shirt from Wearable Vegetables proclaiming Live and let chai. (Back off, Tricia. Love you. Get your own.)

Marscapone. Roquerfot. Phyllo dough. Fresh yellow tomatoes. Sage. Rosemary. Aged balsamic. Lemons. Hey, guys, the grocery shopping is done.

I�m not going to anywhere tomorrow. (Don�t whine at me, BdeB, or you will never see anything fleur and embroidered.)

Nope, I�m luring over Kevin and Lucia and we, we happy food snobs, are going to crack a good bottle of wine and try to burn down my kitchen. We start in the afternoon and either eat or call for takeout at eight.

Me: Lucia and I have been emailing each other to plan athings. She�s happy I own a potato ricer.

Gen: I can see you being excited about a potato ricer. I think she was sassing me. No, I know she was sassing me. (Hmmm. Moral dilemma. Does the chai t-shirt balance the last gift - The White Trash Cookbook? Anything that includes recipes beginning Take a cooter and a hatchet is not quickly forgotten.)

We�ve been trying and trying to get together and cook for ages. Really looking forward to a break in the pre-Pennsic rush.

Scribble to Theo

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