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2005-02-27 - 11:20 a.m.

Lemmings & Hubris

Ten things I�ve done that no one else I know has done? In a fit of hubris, I�ll offer up a few.

1. Driven a jeep wagoneer with a goat in the passenger seat.

2. Had a reverse foxchase, legging up bareback on the faithful horse to chase wild dogs off the family property. (They were after the wild foxes.)

3. Stood next to my mother while my brother�s main parachute collapsed during competitive skydiving. (I do *not* recommend being near anyone�s mother when they watch their child cut to backup �chute.)

4. Lived in a tree for two days, while an indulgent grandmother sent PB�n�J sandwiches, milk and cookies up in a wire supply basket.

5. Has hiked Molly�s Knob more than a dozen times, and knows who Molly is, including her last name and the ballad. (No, I do not sing it; not under any circumstances.)

6. Has taught a brownie troop what they can and cannot eat in the Appalachian forest. (I recommend feeding the difficult munchkins wild ginger, because there�s not enough water in three canteens to kill the burn and it certainly shuts them up for awhile.)

7. Had a grandfather who ran away from home to join the U.S. Calvary (Yes, shades of John Wayne, that Calvary) and rode against the Arapaho.

8. Taken vacation bible school and high school government lessons from the same man.

9. Took their first aerobatics lesson after a pancake breakfast. (Bad plan.)

10. Packed a hay wagon with the Lt. Governor of Virginia.

11. Used to carry a tombstone in the trunk of my car.

These two may not count, since I know other people (my work colleagues) who were with me:

12. Attended a Shinto blessing of a rocket.

13. Driven a minivan with a monkey�s ass plastered to the windshield.

Scribble to Theo

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