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2004-05-03 - 2:04 p.m.

Every day is a winding road

I moved to a new office today, and my new officemate watches me muscle the bookshelves around with the comment So you're a he-woman, like my wife.
says I. I should warn you up front, I'm something of a hick.

Went to Crown Tournament this weekend and I am certain I will be the only person who rates the drive up the mountain as one of the bests. (Crannog Mor is deep in the Appalachians, not so very far from where I grew up.)

I love love love driving on mountain roads.
I love love love driving on curvy, foggy mountain roads.
And in my head, the Nia voice says FREAK!

When I left site with Nia and Ilse&Iustinus in caravan, I had to keep reciting to myself Drive slowly. Be good. Drive slowly. And, if I forgot, Roland chimed in.

Yes, it's freaky, but true. I once drove a zippy red rollbar jeep around the entire island of Maui (five climate zones in one day). Roland spent the same day leaving his fingerprints deep in the dashboard, after which I doubt I'll ever be allowed privilege of driving the Hana highway again.

But the rental car map says, this is impassable,
Ah, that's for the people who rent minivans.

Back to the office move, which has so far been all drama and no theatre, which I would explain if it was at all funny . But, alas, there is no need to explain.

Scribble to Theo

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