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2004-02-04 - 7:59 p.m.

Free association

An observation for Kim - It is usually men with short hair who whine about women cutting their long hair. I say, grow your own damn hair long and leave me along about mine.

It's been a month since Monday and it's just not letting up soon.

Strangest compliment of the week No, I think you're the perfect mix of too nice and complete ass. Right in the middle between nice and ass and ... and then he started blushing with the sudden realization I was a girl. I may cuss more than many of my male colleagues, but many of them still apologize for swearing in front of me. Irony.


On with the free association, cause I gotta get back to reading specs.

Thanks to a series of event, starting with soggy hash browns and involving K, I spent part of last night watching the Country Music Television. Revenge is being considered.

Alejandro, just keep your overalls on.
I have seen the Bubba- Christian-in-overalls, live and in person. In fact, it's much worse if you get him to put on on of 'Nar's 14th century hats.

Roland is home safe and snug from Japan, having had the dubious honor of being rescued by the Powerpuff girls on Sunday afternoon.

Yawn. (Sorry. Six and a half meetings today.)

Emma asked me years ago whether I thought I was scary when I'm angry. I said no. I think I'm changing my anaswer.

You see, today, Dave and I had a nice lunch today in between meeting three and four. Then, in the middle of meeting six, we got into a big fight which ended with him insulting my opinions and me yelling Don't throw the marker at me!

Our poor manager stopped us to ask if we were okay. I blinked. Yeah, sorry. We fight like this all the time. We're not really mad. Dave looked sheepish, which he does well. Really, this was a mild one.

I gotta remember to ramp down my fights with Dave. Or to sell tickets.

LaF, you are not, in truth, my first Francesca. My first Francesca is a tried and true friend from Black Diamond, who is one of the two members of the Order of the Great Floret, a women with a penchant for purple octopii, patience with Duke Timmy, and an indescribable talent with chocolate.

Scribble to Theo

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