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Just for Pope Gregory...

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2004-02-02 - 7:31 p.m.

Powerpuff express

Hang on, K, I might loose you - we're heading into the elevator.
The elevator?
Yeah, Buttercup is wrestling the luggage rack full of booze and glasses and - Whoa! Bubbles has decided to ride the luggage rack!
Are you drunk?
Frighteningly, no. And - Wow, the cart flies nicely down the hallway.
You are all deeply disturbed.
Pretty much.

So, the Puffs drove down to Ice Castle XX and geezed. We may have scared the current Black Diamonders a bit.

But, since it's after 7 pm and I am *S*T*I*L*L working, we're going to weasel out with a best and worst list.

No Alan? they asked Bubbles.
Oh, honey, he took one look at this bus and decided he didn't want any of this, un-uh.


Creative Moling. Haven't done that in over 18 months. I know I needed to asist at an event in order to keep my warrant but (insert Giuliana voice here) Issues! Of course, having them crawl around groveling for the rest of the day was strangely amusing.

Parmesan peppercorn dressing at Macado's.

No Francesca. (No, not laF.)


Discovering I'm the best Puff at sucking Frosty. You probably had to be there for that.

Finding Otto the Obscure (Everybody say 'who?') wandering dazed about Krogers. Wynn, cause she gave Roland that valuable peer advice Don't be an ass.

Friar Thomas, just cause he's cool.

Sneaking back to the hotel for a nap in the middle of the event. I think Queen's Teas should be cancelled in favor of naps. Forget the little eclairs or chopped melon. Give us all nap mats and blankies. Let's discard decorum and find out who really snores.

Kevin, cause I like his hugs. Colin, cause I like his smirk. And, Arrad, cause he laughs a lot. Izzy, cause that's what her Sigma-Kappa-Alpha shirt says. Sorcha cause she knows not to fall of the stage and Andrew cause his head is soft and fuzzy.

Having dinner with Keilyn and Poodlehead.

Victoria announcing his Grace Duke Timothy of Arandale as 'Timmy the Pooh.'

The Ice Castle.

Making dough boys to people the Ice Castle. (Seriously, who sculpts a castle out of Ice and doesn't bring little lego people?)

Using red koolaid to mark the casualities on the Ice Castle.

Duchess Melisande chasing me screaming around the feast hall, just cause I said 'Goose' to the wrong Grace.

Ethel Merman in a Bubushka. Don't ask.

Food fight. No names will be named. (Christen, why did you give K a food crossbow? Bera, that was impressive blocking work. And, Corbie, your squire has amazing 'catch-midair' reflexes.)

Finding out how many Sigma-Kappa-Alpha shirts can fit on one bed.

Huge props to Victoria, who gave me the formative and valuable advice that Life is too short for cheap alcohol, for renting a party room at the hotel.

Monkey pants.


Best of all, a weekend bonding with my Puffs, in that spit-sharing, estrogen tsunami, kind of way.

All the cheap wine is gone,

Monday was intense at work, and I need to get back to ploughing through my inbox.
Yes, it's 8 pm.
No, I'm not going to University.
Yes, I'm working.
Don't talk to me about it.

Fritz, in case you're curious, that was Bubbles leaning out the window on 81. Buttercup, wouldn't let her crawl out the sunroof.

Scribble to Theo

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