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2002-12-02 - 2:34 p.m.

Searching for an evil purpose

Happy Birthday Angel of Death! Sorry I couldn't get my hands on a mortician's skull, but I hope you liked your present anyway.

I have found a glowing devil duckie and I now seek an evil purpose to fulfill with it. There must be some corrupt use of a glowing devil duckie - especially as they come in both Christmas ornament and the smaller size three pack.

No, thanks for thinking of it, but I already bought myself one, so I'm good.

Not only does Archie McPhee offer to let you 'Join their Cult' they have an entire Tiki section, including (for the love of Matt!) Pirate neckties!
They sell Yard Gnomes.
And Yard Nuns.
And large plastic penguins.

Hmmm, I haven't gotten BdeB anything yet.

Must walk away. Must ...
Oh, hell.
AoD , they have an entire Tiki section, including cocktail stuff that should go smashingly with olive and egg penguins.

This could soooo move me to the naughty list.

What the hell. I already suggested Francesca Not, La F, nor Cesca, but a different Francesca create a marshmallow peep themed holiday, so I think I'm already down that path paved with invitingly bad intentions.

Oh, my husband's life is always so interesting. And he looks so cute when slightly afraid.

Scribble to Theo

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