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2002-11-26 - 11:43 a.m.

Das Boot

Dancing at the wedding really didn't help my ankle. Mind, it was lots of fun, and I was comforted by much alcohol, but ouch. Sunday, I laced up my hiking boots and limped around.

We skipped the Cloisters since limping through a museum is not a good plan.

So, Dr. Lahr (Badouin and I have the same ortheopedic surgeon) finally figured out what's wrong with my ankle. Posterior tibial tendonitis.

What the heck is that? You ask. And did you spell it correctly? Probably not.

The tendon that wraps around your inner ankle bone (that knob) and spreads out to attach to the top of the foot - well, mine is inflamed.

Why is it inflamed? You ask. All this dancing at weddings?

I have flat feet. I'm overweight. Essentially, I've worn down the treads on my tires.

That doesn't sound so good - does it?

No treadmill. No exercise. Daily doses of Celebrex to cut the inflammation - and I get a walking cast that looks like a huge boot thing.

Das boot! I�ve never even seen that movie.

Huge air cast ski boot contraption covering foot to knee. Heck, it even has a 'pump' like those crazy athletic shoes.

"I'm going to pump you up." Sorry. Bad quotes abound.

It complete supports/isolates the tendon and forces me to rest it. Heck, I even get to sleep in it - won't that be fetching. At least it's black - just the thing for holiday parties. At least I have several "flared" varieties of pants that mostly cover it.

Ah, well. Three weeks. And it's only velcroed on. I can take it off. Which I have to in order to drive. Or maybe I'll learn to drive with the other foot.

Boy, this would've been a great look for Halloween - limping and lurching is definitely emphasized with this contraption. And I have to give - what - three or four presentations next week? I think I'll just ask for a stool.

Scribble to Theo

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