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2002-11-25 - 6:37 p.m.

Just Married in Manhattan

Pass me the blanket, baby - this pile is deep enough. In the fading Sunday afternoon light, Roland tosses me the leaf sheet.

What's a leaf sheet? You ask. Spread an old flat bedsheet on the ground next to a pile of leaves. With mad raking, pile the leaves on top of the sheet. Then, grab each corner, like a hobo tying up a bandana, sling it across your back like a Santa sack and trundle round back to dump it on the compost heap.

Roland taught me this trick the first fall we were married. His parents always bagged the fall foliage this way, and it is the least painful way I've ever accomplished the hated leaf chore.

We use the Garfield sheets that used to grace his college bunk bed. Don't tell our moms I knew that. That's the cool thing about marriage - you are stronger and smarter together than you are apart.

Hey speaking of marriage being cool -
Lucia and Miles got married this weekend. Hum "I'm in a New York state of mind...

Hey, baby - there's a hubcap in that tree. Roland sighs, puts the car in park again as we try to entertain ourselves in the Lincoln tunnel backup. Work issues kept us from departing until 2:30 thus putting us on an intercept course for NYC Friday night rush hour.

An extra 90 minutes on the drive and we finally find our hotel. Of course the directions didn't quite work, but Manhattan is a grid system so Roland just logicked our way there.

A bottle of wine at the corner Italian restaurant, and the hubcub tree just got funnier and funnier - and my view of the universe changed because Roland ate some of my carpaccio.

True, it was fine carpaccio - some of the best I've ever had - with argula and aged parmigano cheese - but it was still raw meat. My husband ate raw meat. I made him call Alisandra and confess since this last time I persuaded him and Mel to try carpaccio they almost spit it out. Of course, this was the same day we climbed every damn thing in Paris - but that's a story for a totally different day.

(Paris. Ummmmm - Angelina's. There is Angelina's chocolate in my pantry. Be right back.)

So, Lis sorry about the weird voicemail but a bottle of wine and Roland eating carpaccio - well anyway about the wedding.

- Nope first about the Met. We hook up with Maggie and Greg Saturday morning, finish a passable breakfast at the corner greasy spoon and hop a cab to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. We wind our way back through medieval art towards - you guessed it loyal readers - the arms and armor display.

Roland and I have visited the Met several times, armorer and armorer's wife, and have worked out a system - at least I have a system. He has a camera and probably doesn't even notice my system.

First, I leave him mostly alone with the armor and stay in the display cases near the tournament shield and tournament books. Sigh. Not as good as the tower of London, but they have several lovely pieces. Maggie even listened patiently as I explained period tournaments and why the three ostrich feathers on the Bohemian shield are now the crest of the Prince of Wales.

Second, these display cases adjoin the American courtyard with lovely sculpture and comfy benches. Benches are key. And, best of all, the courtyard houses all the Tiffany stained glass and mosaic work. The Tiffany mosaic fountain is my favorite piece with the autumn tripytch window a very close second.

Maggie and Greg appreciate the bench part of my system.

We leave the boys in the armor and medieval area and trot through ancient Egypt (Temple of Dendur - tres cool) to the Costume display currently featuring the pre-WWI clothes of the "Windsor Set" - the socialite crowd that hung with King Edward VII who resigned the Crown of the United Kingdom to marry Wallace Simpson living out his life as the Duke of Windsor.

Elegant clothes - much like bits stage dressing from Hemingway's A Moveable Feast and - Ostrich feathers says Maggie, pointing to the chest of drawers in the display case next to the Duke of Windsor�s plaid suits.

Then, it's time to grab a cab back to the hotel where Maggie and I hit Jessume's Coiffures to get our hair down. This crazy man named Christopher spent about 40 minutes turning my hair into something quite elegant while Sally worked on Maggie. The in between stages of teasing and shaping were quite - um - alarming, but I forced myself to have faith. Besides, with that much hairspray there really wouldn't be any way to change the style.

Time for a quick change, touch up the makeup, pull on pantyhose and grab a cab to the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity.

Well, you married off another one Denise says to Thomas watching Lucia's bridal procession line up at the sanctuary entrance.
Yeah, I'll have to find some more squire bait.

The church was a gorgeous Greek Orthodox cathedral with mosaic work that would've made Jake dance in the aisle. Thoughtfully, we were given a small program that explained the meaning of each stage of the ceremony. The ceremony was mostly sung, which was beautiful once you caught the cant and could understand the words - everything done in triplicate to honor the trinity and strengthen the blessing.

Lucia looked like an angel in her gown of white satin with classic lines and teardrop beadings around the sleeves and skirt. I'm sure Miles especially appreciate the lovely neckline - hee hee hee.

All the guests piled onto the bus provided by our hosts to shuttle us from the cathedral to the reception. Thankyou for not making us all fight cabs and parking. Besides, if you want to break the ice and start the mingling, pile everyone on a bus with a crazy NYC driver. Introductions occur while clutching onto something stable. A lovely man named Scott gave up his seat - since the bus was standing room only - and I chatted with his dashing wife Darcy while we tried to keep Alyssa vaguely upright in the aisle. Alyssa's married to a lovely Frenchman and Darcy's expecting her third child this spring.

The bus lets us off at the Metropolitan club where a kind maitre�d directs guest to the coat rooms and lounge. Comfortable women�s lounge for freshening up � Roland and Ryan stood in the hallway wondering why the women were going in and just not coming back out.

Luckily, the waiters were circulating around handing out wine, champagne and amazing hor�d�eouvres. And a fire warming the immense foyer. Ahhhh. Relax.

Relax and mingle. At this point, the effervescent Maggie notices an woman standing alone amidst the crowd and decides to draw this isolated women into conversation. Lovely people who are quite good friends of Wayne and Karen � however they haven�t an earthly who Miles and Lucia are � the butler eventually figured out they belong across the street at the Harmony Club.

And now you know what happens when you show up at the wrong wedding. You meet Maggie. Hee hee.

The staff invited us from the foyer into the reception room. Now I was quite content in the huge marbled foyer with the warm fire and circulating trays of alcohol � but � well, this was a Greek wedding so there was even more food awaiting.

Points to our wonderful hosts who put good single malt Scotch on the bar. And, hey, what would a wedding be without the sushi chef? That�s right. Evil scheming people had a vast array of wonderful food including a sushi chef continually replenishing this beautiful array.

Okay, Theo - Remind yourself there is a several course dinner yet to come and walk away from the sushi bar. Luckily, Kathleen � one of Lucia�s immensely cool bridesmaids � distracted me. Lawyers are endlessly fascinated to meet a real live rocket scientist.

Oh, but wait there�s more food. The softly chiming bell called us upstairs to dinner.

I gotta stop here and say something about the flowers - except they defy description � beautiful ficus trees just dripping with garlanded flowers lined the entrances. And the tables � four foot tall crystal candleabra�s formed the trunk of trees of flowers. Okay, I�ll stop trying on the flowers but they were spectacular. Lucia�s mom really outdid herself. Ask to see the pictures.

The band kept the guests dancing between each courses � and we needed the exercise to burn off each course. Disturbingly, the female vocalist was a �twin� to my project scientist, Dr. Barbara � true she was taller and platinum blonde � but odd. Like my dentist resembling Corwyn Sinister.

So I�ve blathered on about the beautiful setting, wonderful food and elegant atmosphere, but let�s talk about my favorite part � Miles and Lucia in a room surrounded by cool and entertaining people who obviously loved them very much.

What really made the room glow more than the candles was the warmth and affection.

Lucia�s family seems smashing and amusing. They�ve certainly taken great pains to warn Miles that the precocious child they�ve raised has become quite a strong-willed woman. (I bet Lucia�s dad can�t wait to see her with a little daughter. I will buy Miles his favorite alcohol for that baby shower gift.)

Miles was completely smitten with his angelic bride � and of course Lucia made me sniffle when she turned to her husband and toasted him There is nothing more important I could do in this life than be by your side� What a beautiful celebration.

Vivat to Miles and Lucia! WOOT!

(And whistle at my sweet husband who looked dashing in his tuxedo. Kisses!)

Now, thanks to the wedding menu, I spent part of the drive home trying to puzzle out how the cookie cups holding the sorbet were constructed. Fluted and coated with chocolate just on the inside � probably painted not dipped?

Hey, Lucia, when are we cooking again?

I might be hungry by the time you get back from your honeymoon.

Scribble to Theo

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