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Just for Pope Gregory...

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To tell the secrets of my prison-house

House and a shelf

2002-09-30 - 2:01 a.m.

Haunted by pears

Theo: So the house is clean clean clean.
Gen: Are you at home?
Theo: Carpet cleaning guys have been through, furnance maintenance is done, everything is dusted and now I'm going to make the cardinal mistake of going to the grocery store while hungry.
Gen: Hmmmm. Good luck with that.

Order has been restored to our happy home. As a side benefit of headset phone technology, I caught up with family and friends. I called Jenny, my childhood best friend, while I was clearing out the kitchen pantry.

Technology has blessed her with caller id.

I cannot believe you are calling me, you nut!
Why? Is this bad?
You will not believe what I'm doing?
I'm busy tutoring geometry.

Laughter. Over a decade ago I spent many early high school morning working with Jenny in trig and calculus. Now, I build spacecraft and she teaches high school math, from the basic to advanced calculus. Never let anyone tell you math isn't important.

She called me back an hour later. Her student was unimpressed with the rocket scientist on the phone, but she was ecstatic to hear from me.


Dusting always stirs up memories. My house is dotted with talismans of the past. The Hawaiian lucky stone my ex-step-grandmother brought me from their honeymoon; the little wooden horse, a twelfth birthday gift from my aunt; a fine pine cone rescued from a rest area along 95 one long road trip; my grandfather's hat, which is all I have of his.

Memory is a strange and poignant thing.

Today I am haunted by the memory of a fruit stand, a small concern with wooden stalls of sea-foam green, rows and rows of Asian pears glowing under the fluorescent lights of Tokyo, as we walked past it in a blur, foreigners isolated amongst chattering crowds in the dark oriental night.

Why do I remember that so clearly?

Perhaps because it's autumn and, while freshly harvested apples abound, I'm still waiting for the arrival of firm, sweet, juicy Asian pears.

Deliciously relaxing weekend. Sleeping and reading and pointless television interspersed with slow productivity.

Finally, I unfurled the upholstery fabric bought over a year ago. I ripped apart some of the more disreputable cushions and reincarnated them as accent pillows to compliment the new kitchen curtains. Dame Anne's $5 pillow, abandoned here after a July visit, fell victim to the d�cor urge. Ripped that baby apart and recolored my world. Or at least the family room.

Destructive? Perhaps. But the real truth is, despite the week spent reorganizing, I had no closet space for the extra pillow. However, the sofa had room for the three smaller clones...

Best of all, we joined the chair making crew the sequel for dinner Saturday night. Most of the original cast was back, joined by the new characters Shane, Lis and Gina. The very kind Gen and Mel acquired Outback Takeaway which led to lovely conversation and a food coma.

I didn't manage to make Rags pizza, which I had vague thoughts of doing sometime this weekend. I am quite delinquent in deliveries. Must call the Narr.

Scribble to Theo

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