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Just for Pope Gregory...

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An accelerated rate

To tell the secrets of my prison-house

House and a shelf

2002-09-27 - 1:35 p.m.

Forces of chaos

How to feel young:
So where did this orbit terminology come from?
Well, back on Apollo 5...
Wait, you worked Apollo 5? That is so cool! I was born on the second anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing.

How to shoot yourself in the foot:
Don't remind people working for you that they are decades older than you.

This week's tale is an epic battle with the forces of chaos.

Where eldest Night
And Chaos, ancestors of Nature, hold
Eternal anarchy amidst the noise
Of endless wars, and by confusion stand;
For hot, cold, moist, and dry, four champions fierce,
Strive here for mast�ry.

-John Milton. Paradise Lost.

Yes, this week, Theo goes nowhere until she finds the floor of every room in her house. I've spent hours picking up, sorting, shelving and discarding clutter. Do I really have Cooking Light back to '95? Dude - it is so time to buy the annuals!

Piles of garb to put away, fabric to be stashed - I even (fanfare of triumph) not only got all the sewing machines cleaning and services I also got all the scissors sharpened. (Admit it - I'm not the only slacker that's bought a new pair of sewing scissors rather than getting them all sharpened.)

On the drive home Tuesday I realize item #17 on the list indicates our fuzzy cat needs food - as in the cupboard is completely bare, and I do not want to face the yowling beast without provisions. Roland usually buys the cat food - I don't know why, possibly sympathetic tiger bonds or something - he just does.

But I am riding this fit of organizational virtue, so I stop by PetSmart. Just as I am contemplating which bag of food the child needs, suddenly, Roland turns the corner.

How bizarre. The exact same store, the exact same time. It�s like love radar. (y�all just go gag somewhere else.)

How sweet. Smoochies in the pet food aisle. Purrrrrrr.

Cleaning is almost like a voyage of rediscovery. I found the first half of a comic series carefully put away in an unexpected place. My snorkel fins are next to my wedding dress? I thought they were in the basement. And I swear I threw those suede boots away a while ago.

So, apologies to all my friends - I'll be slightly antisocial this week while I restore order and sanity to my world.

Scribble to Theo

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