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Just for Pope Gregory...

Finding the nativity

An accelerated rate

To tell the secrets of my prison-house

House and a shelf

2002-09-24 - 2:24 p.m.

Magic delayed

Autumn equinox yesterday, a turning of the seasons. Sigh happily. I love fall. Crisp air. Everything feels purer and clearer in autumn. When I flew Cessnas, I always loved autumn skies the best. Visibility for miles, crystal clear forever blue air.

And the leaves. Oh Appalachian girl loves the brillance of the leaves as they die in glory only to be reborn in spring.

in giving, we receive; in pardoning, we are pardoned; and in

dying, we are reborn

Magic is, indeed, afoot.

Speaking of rising from the ashes�

It appears Harry Potter Book Five (�The Order of the Phoenix�) has been (sigh) delayed again.

From last week�s London Times�

MILLIONS of children and their parents can relax. J. K. Rowling was working yesterday on the final stages of the fifth Harry Potter novel. It may even be ready for Christmas.

In an exclusive interview with The Times, Rowling said not only that she has not been suffering from writer's block but also that she is expecting a new baby to join her daughter Jessica next spring. Amidst the "indescribable mess" in her Edinburgh office, there is a "little oasis", she says, where the manuscript is stacked, "nice, neat, pristine and big" - as big, she thinks, as The Goblet of Fire (636 pages).

The words have been flowing, she says, in spite of the action against her in the United States where she was falsely accused of plagiarism, an accusation comprehensively dismissed by a judge in New York on Tuesday night. The novel, entitled Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, is already readable and she is happy with the result. She is now at the tweaking stage. So can her millions of readers expect a Christmas present? "Possibly". There is a deep, throaty chuckle.

Some would interpret that warm chuckle as a "Yes", I suggest. "Maybe", she murmurs, meanwhile emphasising that the decision when to publish rests with Bloomsbury, her publisher. The Goblet of Fire emerged from a long and painful labour, and the editing was rushed to meet her publisher's deadline. She was determined that she would not allow herself to be rushed on the fifth novel.

Rowling has now plotted the sixth and seventh novels, and after 11 years considers that she is on the home stretch. The seventh Harry Potter, she confirms, will definitely be the last.

From the publisher�s office...

Mr Newton added that the release of the second Harry Potter film in November would further boost sales of the kid wizard's back catalogue. The publication date for the fifth book in the Harry Potter series - Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix - is being kept under wraps.

Scribble to Theo

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