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2002-09-21 - 1:36 p.m.

This was easier in legos

I tell you planning how to build a spacecraft is a lot more fun in real life than it was with legos. Not that the lego models of the spacecraft aren�t helpful. Yes, I keep a box of legos in my office next to the celestial sphere.

Fun, however, can be exhausting.

Last weekend was a helluva good time with D�Emma, hanging out and bringing de Emma up on all the KMoL stuff. It was a learning experience. I know that I like oysters more than I thought (yuuummm � Market Street), Daemon also has the good sense to hate the evil Hilary designer on Trading Spaces, and I�m destined to never see Scooby Doo without Bryce. I love their house � and their neighborhood is very cool. The yard sports a spiffy new wall to accent the lavender shutters. Roland and D were good sports about helping with the tedious filing. (Okay, it was raining far too hard to fence in the back yard, but they were still great sports.)

Fun, unfortunately, meant another long drive home, beginning another week fairly tired.

Monday night rocked.

Beth and I did make the WW meeting in College Park and voted we liked the leader. We had dinner afterwards at Chiptole and talked and talked about everything important and nothing of consequence. It was a nice change from the superficial greetings time constrains everyone to exchange at events.

The 21st century brings us incredible technology. Unfortunately, our high speed society spends too much time in pop culture mode and not enough in contemplation.


- a night for slugging around the house and thinking about how much we needed to clean, how we really should clean, but � oh well.


Gina, I just looovveee Kris Ann
Hi, Theo. How are you?
I totally love your stylist!

Mel and Gina sent me to their hair salon � no it doesn�t look terribly different [amazing how men cough Daemon, cough, Kevin pout when a woman contemplates cutting length of her hair.] It�s just better shaped and four inches shorter. It was so long, catching on everything. I�ll leave the long tresses to the braver, like Jake.

I skipped out of a telecon and went up to Columbia for a haircut. Then, I went shopping. (And, Mel, I want girl points � I did indeed find matching shoes.)

I do have to get better at this girl stuff. It�s kind of dumb to get your hair done and completely tossle it by darting in and out of dressing rooms.

A mad run home to get Lan and Gen, and we were off to Coffee with Richlieu. A strange mix of comedy, existentalism and the Three Musketeers. Various historical figures observe and try to influence D�Artagen�s choices � the best line from the play (repeated several times) was a description of the foppish and shallow Louis XV.

Each time D�Artagen expoused service to the king as his noble motivation, the other character would stare at the na�ve D�Artagen and exclaim: Have you meet our King?


After a day packed with meetings, I have to ask who has a bachelorette party Thursday night? My friend Alice, that�s who. We met at Timpano�s � that lovely Italian chophouse � which features swing dancing and a live orchestra every third Thursday of the month.

Does anyone else see a flaw in taking a group of women swing dancing? It was a blast, but you know, you must have a partner. After the maid of honor exiled the groom-to-be, Rob - we only had our old grad school cum Scott and Christie�s date, Martin. Fortunately, both were good sports about dancing with many partners.

Scott, who is adorably sweet and shy, cut a wide swath across the dance floor. We gave him paper and pen to go get the girl�s phone number to which he replied I can�t socialize, I just dance.

Friday � y.a.w.n.

I have got to stop with the 12 am or later bed times on a school night. We spent the evening watching Soprano�s on DVD, piled on the love seat with the cat.

I need more time to sit still.

I should invite Padraigin�s dad over to spent the weekend working through the Scotch cabinet.

Did you know my dad actually spends part of his professional life making up names for granite colors? You see, when a memorial park is selling a tombstone, they don�t want you to comparison shop them. So each place make up house names for their material and color variation.

And I thought the names they gave paint were odd.

Mad congratulations to Brian and Nancy-Ellen on the arrival of baby Grace!!!! Woot!

Scribble to Theo

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