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2002-09-16 - 12:48 p.m.

Please hold, Theo is busy�

What is going on with Theo these days? No solid news has been provided since Pennsic. True, I joined the sentimental and cathartic musings surrounding 9/11, but what else?

Let�s see.

I got my wish. I am full time lead of my beloved project for the next four months. [It�s complicated.]

I am indescribably happy about that, especially since the scientists all seem to know me from somewhere and like me a lot. And, most of all, our project scientists cooks better than I do. Our kickoff meeting get together did *not* have chips and dip � oh, no. Marinated salmon, baked brie, bruschetta, �. All stuff she�d whipped up.

I almost got my wish for escaping the hating project. Until my replacement is up to speed, I am officially 150% committed. (They renamed the hated project something bizarre. And it gets more amusing Zen by the minute in the sense we are constantly asked to accept conflicting things as absolute truth.)

And they left me in charge of the branch this week (long story), so people are stopping by my office jokingly complaining about the bathrooms and other nonsense.

I passed on the KMoL office to my bag o� chips, Emma, who has taken to it like a duck to water.

My house still needs the serious post-Pennsic cleaning.

I have much more to say, specifically about how I am soooooo looking forward to more time with my friends. [Are Keily-Beth and I going to WW tonight? When will I finally catch Ajay on the phone? Will I manage to see Celynen on her east coast tour? Dinner with Kev & Jake when? And when will I ever get to meet the adorable Regan in the flesh rather than photo? And, hey, did Meng have the baby yet?]

�but, perhaps, if I paste in my list of phone messages, you�ll understand why I have no more time to type.

Monthly status charts are overdue for icky project.

Former TRMM Systems engineer wants to brief me on the solar project he�s working which is similar to good project I am now leading.

GPS team wants to discuss antenna and field of view allocation for my beloved project. Cause we�ve been asking them to do this for months and, after a �Come to Jesus� discussion last week they�ve decided to get off the dime.

Three phone calls that can be summarized two of my leads are feuding on beloved project. Must listen to each bitch, then schedule time for me to sit there and watch them solve the problem.

My sewing machine needs to be rescued from the shop before 6 pm. (Like I�m going to get out of the office before that.)

We have a serious energy dissipation issue with the launch vehicle � we have ten different possible solutions, but no assurance of success with any of them. It�ll take us two months to work of the optimum solution, but they want us to tell them what to buy this week.

Bad project wants me to rework the Canadian contract with reference to the Department of Defense�s international trade regulations.

My dad wants help looking up poetry references for his latest memorial (read that tombstone) design.

Beloved project financial officer wants to discuss work structure for the next five years.

Project manager wants details and followup telecon on energy dissipation problem.

Beloved project scientists are panicked about the design. (Long story involving scars from the SOHO emergency discussed here.) Must calm the chicken littles. Vain hope project scientist will bring more of her wonderful cooking.

Apologies from a coworker who raided my desk for software, but he promises to return it someday.

Hell, if I just leave all the messages undeleted, no one else can leave a new one.

Oh, yeah, I should also answer all this email�..

Scribble to Theo

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