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2002-08-28 - 8:14 p.m.

Call me, Cod. Mr. Cod

It rained today.
It rained a lot today.
It rained today because I wore a white shirt and carried a small umbrella.

Oh well.
I'm just so happy to see the rain.

Excerpt from my weekly status report:
The simulation training proceeds well. However, after an unfortunate misuse of an inferior marker, Paul - who attempted to fill in his nametag with 'Mr. Cool' - will now be known as 'Mr. Cod'. Please make a note of the new name when issuing project t-shirts.

The work week to date has been lovely, mostly spent in training on advanced engineering tools. Free tip to technical trainers. Never give engineers examples pertaining to their speciality. We spent fifteen minutes explaining to the teacher why the equations in his example really weren't what the title claimed. Another fifteen was lost to showing him how to make a more efficient implementation than the one suggested.

Work just may get even better. See, my lead on the project I love has been detailed (read that as temporarily assigned for a couple months) to be my branch chief. Guess what? That means his sidekick (me) will have to take up the slack. Which means sarcasm on *horror of horrors* sarcasm off I will have to abandon work on the project I hate.

However, none of this is official and I must keep bearing up until official action catches up with practical logic. Who knows? I'm sure this could still all go badly and they could come up with a different weird idea to cover this assignments.

Must try not to hope.
Hmmm. Failing at not hoping.

Scribble to Theo

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