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2002-08-26 - 1:07 p.m.

Stopping the runaway camel

If you people think my job is fascinating, ask yourself, what does Tbone do? Apparently, get written up in Journal of Science.

In fine post Pennsic tradition, I spent this weekend doing nothing much.

Friday night was a lovely dinner at Timpano's with my peeps and an early bedtime. Service was the worst we've ever had there � It took a great deal of active interference to order wine much less dinner and we were still juggling menus when the appetizer was served - bad form.

I should stop reading food industry trivia - makes me very critical of wait staff.

Saturday, we did nothing. Didn't even watch TV since the quality of cartoons is so low these days.

Well, at some point Roland helped Alan move a fish tank, but I napped through that adventure.

And we did go out to dinner with my Dad and Dad's girlfriend. They picked us up in Dad's flashy new Jag (do all divorcee's go through a fast car period?) which Roland got to drive because we were running late for the movie.

My Big Fat Greek Wedding � which Wow. That was a great movie and Wow.

Wow. Poor Lucia - living through her own Greek wedding madness. I had the urge to pick up the phone and call her when we got the the obnoxious aunts.

My dad and Trudi also brought my belated birthday gift. A lovely book on Ring mythologies (Celtic, German, Greek myths based on a magic ring�).

They also gifted me with �The Worst Case Scenario Handbook.� This fine little volume covers things such as 'How to remove leeches,' 'How to cross a piranha infested river,' 'How to resist alien abduction' [ subtitled dealing with EBEs (Extraterrestial Biological Entities)], and 'How to stop a runaway camel.'

Most of these articles are pithy two pagers that begin 'Do Not Panic'. Only the alien abduction has specific tips on telepathic communication ['Resist mentally. Refrain from thinking about abduction (avoid thought and images of anal probes or entering the ship)'] The runaway camel is my personal favorite because step 5 is 'Give up and hang on until the camel gets tired of running'.

Gotta bring this book the next time we go to a bar. The diagrams of piranha are too cute.

Movie and gift was followed by the requisite dinner � nice Thai food in this cute restaurant that was once a Wendy�s. Yum. Duck curry. Yum. Crispy noodles.

Saturday late night television. How long since I participated in that weekend joy?

First, there was an episode of Justice League. It may be a cartoon and I may not like the fact Wonder Woman can fly, but the writing it still good.

Green Lantern: You expect me to believe THAT?

Flash: Hey, we both have a Martian�s phone number on our speed dial. I think I�m entitled to a little leeway here.

Then we found this futuristic movie on SciFi channel, which, as is the American custom, we proceeded to watch for fifteen minutes, trying to identify it, before I gave up and found the TV Guide.

Doh! It�s Adolphus Huxley�s Brave New World How stupid am I? John Savage, the Thoreau and Shakespeare quotes. Roland stares at me. You know. Adolphus Huxley. �Oh what a brave new world that has such people in it�? Roland stares at me. Do you ever feel like your life with me is one long English lesson? He shrugs and goes back to reading �How to ram a barricade�.

Sunday we did - you guessed it - nothing much. Idly flipped channels and watched movies we'd seen before. Taped Witchblade marathon for later consideration. Watched the cat suck up to Roland. Went over to the in-laws for dinner and hanging out. Had the best baked beans ever.

It felt good to stop the world for awhile. Cause, while you can ride the camel until it gives up and falls over, it's nice to get off before you're sore.

Scribble to Theo

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