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2002-08-23 - 11:51 a.m.

And then God mocked me

So, I survived Pennsic and pack-out and unloading and other madness with no problems.

I spent Monday doing practically nothing. Thus, my back decided to act up.
Work hard, no problems.
Rest, back spasms.
Isn�t it someone else�s turn at the irony?

By Wednesday morning, I called into work very bitter. Yes, I was in pain, but I was also grumpy because I hadn�t *done* anything to set my back off. [Guess we never outgrow that eight year old�s plaint of �But, Mom, I didn�t do anything!�]

I hate the sad look Roland gets when he knows I�m hurting but he can�t fix it. Toolusers are big into fixing things. But he does all he can � fetching and carrying � which would sybaritic except for the pain.

But, drugs and exercises for a couple days and I think I�ve worked out most of the kinks. I am soooo sick of my back exercises, especially the ones that, frankly, look like pelvic thrusts and since they incite Roland to comment salaciously (look it up) which makes me laugh and loose form.

But, this too shall soon pass. And then he'll have to make good on all those comments...

Stolen quote of the week: Cause I think a good weekend is one spent eating pizza naked with your husband....

Scribble to Theo

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