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House and a shelf

2002-08-20 - 3:52 p.m.

Stealing the inflatable monkey and other tales

Things found amongst the three hundred plus post-vacation email messages today�

�Who would have thought that the National Football League (NFL) would be interested in NASA technology used for mission planning and scheduling. The current scheduling system used by the NFL to schedule their regular season games requires a significant level of user intervention. The NFL is looking for a scheduling system that will reduce the amount of effort and time spent by the NFL to produce its final schedule and has expressed an interest in the GSFC Automated Mission Planning and Scheduling (AMPS) System being developed by the Mission Applications Branch

Yes, I�m back after a near month hiatus.

What was all that drama about? Well, let�s just says that yet again, I am the victim of [Keilyn trademarked term] loaner drama.

What happened? Let�s just say, it�s hard to have a funeral without a minister. But, fret not - cause my second cousin�s ex-wife randomly brought a spare minister with her. But I am ahead of the story.

The Sunday before Pennsic, my mom made a mad dash to Delaware to be there for her favorite cousin after his mother�s death. (Second cousin and great aunt from my point of view) She left in mad rush from grandson�s birthday party � many small children and parents and a guy in the Clifford the Dog suit cavorting in her yard - and headed to Delaware.

The family was very appreciative. They did what all Southern families do at funerals � the woman sat in the kitchen and baked and cooked and drank coffee � Meanwhile, my cousin locked himself in the garage and made three cremation urns. (Only my family.)

What kind of funeral home has a display of duck decoys?

So my mom (during the interlude between acts three and four in this family drama) wound up at my house Wednesday night � my big packing night � cause visiting relatives are what you do *not* need during mad Pennsic packing. However, Mom was wonderful. She cleaned my house �

Here�s the mop
Mom:Oh, I�m not using a mop. I�d rather get down on my hands and knees so I can wash the baseboards
You are not getting down on your hands and knees in my kitchen.
I already did the bathrooms that way so
Mom sticks her tongue out at me
I can�t help what idiotic things you do when I�m not here to stop you.

She shopped for groceries�

Gen:Hey, Theo, what is with the funny scented trashbags for the camp kitchen?
Got me, my mom did the shopping.

She watched the madness �

Mom:You know, I used to help your grandfather pack to move to Florida every winter and there was one year he stalked away from the car to go get a pipe wrench. When I asked what he was doing, he said he was unhooking the kitchen sink because we already had everything else in the car. Mom pauses and surveys the gear pile.Are you seriously taking a kitchen sink?

She was, overall, a good mom. I still need to call and get the scoop on the final act in which �twenty some people go to Mom�s house for further funeral services on the day of my brother�s high school reunion and the day before Mom leaves for the beach with grandson and daughter-in-law�.

Oh, you want to know about Pennsic? The story is sooo long. I went for the entire two weeks, so I will take the quick way with the classic best and worst list


Girl plans.

Padraiga�s vigil. Especially when Sir Pieter walked in and muttered �Damn, Atlantia knows how to throw a vigil�.

Meeting the splendid Viscountess Kat.

The first week of relaxation napping with it�s cool and wonderful breeze. And shivering happily in the 40 degree nights.

Roland�s white scarf.
Balynar�s Golden Dolphin.
Moira�s AoA.

Ice cream at House Longbow

Mimosas at Lochmere.

Digging out the overflowing camp sump with William of Nunn.

Picking thistles with Kyneburh and Roland.

Chocolate milk delivered by Vlad.

Steak for breakfast.

Splitting cloak duty with Sir Oz, who is just a scream.

My ever beloved low drag, high ambience, comfy camp. I was camp steward this year and it all came together nicely. And my sneaky campmates bought me the Italian pitcher I had been virtuously resisting as a thank you gift.

Padraiga�s parents � wow, and I thought the Cuan was lucky getting the Padraiga.

My campmates *not* propping the �KMoL is Out� sign in from of sleeping Theo and taking blackmail photos. But they thought about it. A lot.

Hanging out with Anastasia, whom I never get to see. Yay for serious historians.

Stealing the inflatable monkey.

MoLing the Atlantian five man tournament, with the award for best name goes to the two fighters who entered the five man tournament as a team of two under the name - Four Schiztophrenics.

All the help from Roland, Lis, Gen, Alan, Thjora and Geoffrey.

Sheep in Jeep!!!

Finding out the translation of Charney�s list of �Questions for Knights� will be available in the fall from Chivalry bookshelf. Never seen a full translation before, and I�m tres excited.

Appointing Lady Anne camp safety officer.


Wanting to be there for Dame Anne and Master John, but being far away.

Boy plans. Boy plans bad!

The heat.

Whimsical war � no plan survives more than twelve hours.

Worrying Roland would kill himself between making all the Atlantian musters and playing his White Scarf prize.

Tired feet.

Being too tired to help with the Queen�s Tea.

Who planned the five champion�s battles in one day? WTF?

Coming home with more alcohol than we left with.

Fifteen loads of laundry.

Pennsic being too big to see all my friends.

Not enough bardic


Sarcasm is not your idiom. Get back in your own idiom.

Me:I�m cute, bend to my will.
Alan sighs. For that to work, you should never actually say that out loud.
Okay, so I suck at girl stuff.

I guess digging is just my peer curse.

But we�ve always done [insert stupid thing here] that way.
Yeah, well, eventually mankind discovered penicillin

Scribble to Theo

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