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House and a shelf

2002-07-15 - 12:36 p.m.

How�d you like them pineapples?


The weekend was consumed with a whirlwind trip to Assessment Battles. We arrived Friday before dark and set up the new tent and wasted time arranging and re-arranging. Again, I say the dividing walls we made are just too darn cool.

Yeah, we made lists of what we want to accomplish before Pennsic.
Yeah, we�re such overly organized anal geeks.

Saturday was a very slow start, especially since Timoch, Tnek and Wulfric were interesting at me until 2 am. Assessment was tiny compared to year�s past. Two years ago we had 200 fighters. This year, we had maybe 70. I spent a good chunk of the day MoLing and hanging with the Ceridwen and the Buster dog. The site, rolling hills of Virginia, was beautiful, but very primitive � very little flat land. Also, very full of ticks.

Corbie brought Max puppy, so we had two dogs to play with. Lauren took Max for a walk in the afternoon�

Lauren: I want to go to the rapier field �
Llewllyn: Well, go � it�s just that way.
Lauren: � cause there�s cute boys over there.
Llewllyn: You keep your butt on that bench.
I look at Max dog, wanting to run: Hey, you know dogs are good boy magnets.
Ten minutes later, during the afternoon break, Corbie decides to walk his puppy. But, for some reason (hee hee) Lauren leaps to volunteer. She�s back fifteen minutes later.
Me: Did you find boys?
Lauren, in the tone of teenage indignation: No. There was no one over there!
Me: Did I forget to tell you the rapier woods battle was going on about now?

Lauren was not amused. But her mom was. I am so evil.

And I got to see my Padraiga! She was in San Fran an entire week and I missed her. We were a big bunch of slugs and didn�t even play Pell Mell, just laid around in chairs, killing any ticks that happened by. The ground was so sloped we would�ve had to chase the balls all day and that just required too much effort. Yeah, that�s it.

We packed out Saturday night and - *bitterness* - we have a wet tent. If we�d only squeaked out forty-five minutes earlier. Sigh. We made it home about 11 pm and I was blissfully asleep. But I have to put up wet canvas today. Sigh.

Our house has definitely acquired the pre-Pennsic scattered projects everywhere look. However, I think the cat is enjoying the expanded obstacle course.

While Gen and Corbie were hanging at Assessment, their spouses were puttering in the woodshop. Alan and Thjora prototyped a Salisbury chair, and were immensely pleased with themselves.

Boy, howdy should they be. It�s gorgeous. Next weekend, Roland and I add our labor to their cleverness and make nice new chairs for Pennsic. Sanding and staining here I come.

I contributed to the chair project by questing for decorative screw on finials to assemble the prototype. (With all the effort, we really didn�t want to use modern wing nuts � tacky, tacky, tacky).

Restoration Hardware didn�t help (and were too expensive � though that had the cutest frog and dolphin knobs), but Annapolis Lighting had some cheap finials, usually meant for lamp tops. I found various brass ones and these really nifty antique brass decorative pineapples � which, damn them, they only have three of and we need eight per chair. I bought them anyway because they were my favorite.

In further proof that Lan and I share a brain, I return to his shop, booty in hand, and he hmmms along in the way that means �those are perfectly lovely and acceptable options� until I get to the pineapples which makes him stop and say �Cool!� The enthusiasm was high enough that I called back the store and the balance of their pineapple finial inventory will be transferred to the location near Alan�s work for pickup today.

Roland, of course, likes the brass ones best.

Gen hasn�t voted yet. She didn�t know there were options cause Alan only showed her the pineapple.

The rest of Sunday was spent (what else?) sewing. I now have remarkable spiffy decorative cushions to go in the amazing chairs. Some tunics for Roland, hoods for Llewylln and Kadlin, � I guess I should make me something. But I have tons of clothes.

My boss Friday: Do you think we should just cancel this meeting with Canada since we can�t get them to bring the right people?

Me: No, because it�s easier to shoot them if they come down here.

I think we�ve busted through the evil Canadian barrier � f.i.n.a.l.l.y the technical people are calling me direct, doing an end run around useless man � they are appalled and apologetic at all the turmoil and unresponsiveness. Finally! Someone who�s with me- misery�s a lot more bearable with company � and I can go a long way with a little bit of sympathy.

Hyped on enough caffeine to keep me going through three back to back meetings.

Scribble to Theo

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