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2002-07-12 - 12:03 p.m.

Dissonance to Donkeys to Delight, Allegro

Roller coaster of a week.


My coworker nicknamed Christopher Robin brought me a souvenir from his Sea World vacation last year. Actually, he brought lots of toys � most people got models of aquatic animals. For me � I got you this soft dolphin finger puppet. That way, it will hurt people less when you throw it.

He�s right. Dolphin, rat, the wooly mammoth, the hedgehog Francesca gave me at her vigil, and a empty water bottle have all sailed around my office this week.

Blame Canada�

Yes, it is *impossible* to do business with people who never return your calls/email/faxes/carrier pigeons.

Now that we have 6 working days left before their arrival, they now want to reshape the agenda. (Hello � it will take a week to put together the material to support our current agenda � the one I�ve been sending you drafts of for six weeks and *you* chose not to give inputs?)

Now they�ve realized they are not bringing the correct technical people for the agenda. (Hello � read the emails accompanying the draft agendas you ignore where me and my team kept expressing that concern).

But it�s too late � you can�t jump through the security hoops, visas, passport renewals, etc, in 6 business days. They�re screwed and our meeting will be far less productive as they bring the wrong people who nod and smile and say We�ll have to get back to you, because so-and-so would know but we didn�t bring them. (Like you were going to get back to us on the agenda?) Unless I figure out how to televideo their correct people into a 3-D presentation -which is probably illegal because the information is that competition sensitive � and very difficult to set up anyway.

I did an hour of technical work this morning laying out the data network and it was blissful.

They are supposed to have a manager dealing with this nonsense, but no, I get to be the acting manager. I guess I�ll be the highest paid copy machine operator in the state Monday since I don�t even have admin support.

God, I love my other project.


Look, look, there�s a pastel elephant! I scream.

Where?! Gen glances over.

Shane, who�s already hyperventilating riding in the back of the Tahoe Gen is whipping through DC rush hour traffic yells Goddammit! I�m going to kill you. Do not distract the blonde with donkeys and elephants!

Donkeys & Elephants come to DC: This spring artists will capture the imagination of visitors and residents with 200 creatively designed donkeys and elephants thanks to the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanitites.

Which means, as you drive through DC, you randomly find colorful donkeys and elephants standing on street corners.

See, Lauren I say This is all about culture.

So, Wednesday, we went to a play.

Gen blew into my house at about 5:30, bringing (bless her) Boston Market takeout for dinner. She surveys me lying on the couch with ice on my head and five Advil in my system.
What happened to you?
I hate Canada

Gen gets us fed and watered and even volunteers to drive so I won�t have to recreate my horrible headache with DC traffic. Everyone tormented her about her driving, but she really saved my life and we all made it in one piece. Hey, everyone criticizes my driving too.

Shane, Gina and Lauren subbed in for some of our usual subscribers for the performance of Lillian Hellman�s The Little Foxes

The play was fantastic. Three riveting acts blew by with two intermission during which we kibtz amongst our merry group in a way that much alarms those seated nearby.

After the play, the coward known as Shane decided to ride home with Roland, so we girls took a less crowded Tahoe home through a slightly alternate route. We managed to spot two new donkeys and one more elephant.


Today, for some reason, I�m in a fantastic mood.

I was so beyond done last night � Laura and Alan confirmed how pitiful and drawn I looked. My neck muscles were a solid (not one iota of give) mass. Sigh. I didn�t even pack for Assessment. I just went to bed where I could spare everyone my horrible mood.

I drove to work with the windows down and Billy Joel blaring, stuck Tchaikovsky & Rachmaninov in the CD player and got to work.

Rhapsodies, allegro. Somehow it suits the happy bonsai tree in my window sill.

Scribble to Theo

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