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2002-07-09 - 4:28 p.m.

Never enough Puff

The Fourth was strangely relaxing and poignant.

Relaxing at home with my beloved and plenty of time to putter.

But, I spent a good chunk of the day thinking about everyone who had sacrificed to preserve our nation.

Bumper sticker of the week: Many people spend their entire lives wondering if they�ve made a difference. United States Marines don�t have that problem. -R. Reagan.

Commander Jo Galloway, when asked why she likes the Marines she�s defending so much: Because they stand on a wall, and they say 'nothing is going to hurt you tonight, not on my watch'." - A Few Good Men

I feel like I should send a thank you card to all those who protect and serve. Thanks that I could spend that day in my lovely home with my beloved husband doing exactly what I wanted to do. What a gift.

Four days at home. So, go on, ask me about my Pennsic projects �

The dividing walls for the new tent took much longer than I wanted and look very cool. Various pieces of garb are getting assembled. (How many hoods can Theo make this Pennsic?) Just to be a freak, I wasted my time making period chair cushions, covered velvet with silver vinework and latin mottos. Roland made progress on his armor and couple things for the lovely new tent.

Best part of the long weekend was The Powerpuff Girls Movie with Bubbles and Buttercup. Gina seemed a bit traumatized, but Katie was there with us. We learned:
-Just like her namesake, Buttercup is prone to nap on the couch with the remote. Blossom will be sleeping on a pile of books (yeah, you should see my bedside table pile) and Bubbles will pass out amongst her crayons.
-Roland does a disturbingly good imitation of Professor Utonium scolding the girls.
-Gina wasn�t ready for that much Puff.

I also bought a present for Lucia after the movie. Wonder when I�ll see her next?

Last week was full of many petty annoyances. I started to write a long rant, but decided all it did was make me insane so I deleted it. Let�s just summarize, shall we?

*Renting a trailer for Pennsic transport is proving beyond difficult. Only Uhaul seems to still rent trailers. Since you can�t book multiple day rentals through their site, you have to call the nearby locations.
Except. They. Never. Answer. Their. Phones.

And I mean fucking never. Almost two weeks of sporadic attempts and I haven�t even got a price yet, much less a reservation because I can�t get anyone on the phone.

* People can always disappoint you.
The nutcase that rear ended the Tahoe Memorial Day weekend is apparently going to get away with it. It�s just a bent bumper, so Roland did what sane adults do � exchanged information and moved on. Except she does not return phone calls from anyone. Not us, not her insurance company. And they are very unwilling to (a) pursue her or (b) pay our claim without talking to her. And it�s minor enough that it�s under our deductible, so filing through our company, we just eat it. But it deeply offends my sense of justice to let her get away with it.

*It�s *very* hard to conduct business with people who never follow-up, answer phone messages, or return emails. I am so *done* with my hated project. Technical challenges might hold my interest � if we ever tackled them � but, no, we spend all our time trying to kick these people on the other end into accomplishing something.

I�m telling you, it�s a good thing I don�t really have the laser eye beams of my namesake Powerpuff. Though, I�m told I do a decent job with ice breath all on my own.

Suddenly, the song We shall overcome is stuck in my head today despite the "They Might Be Giants" CD currently playing The Sun Is A Mass of Incandescent Gas...

Scribble to Theo

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