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Just for Pope Gregory...

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To tell the secrets of my prison-house

House and a shelf

2002-06-22 - 11:02 a.m.

Holes in the ball

Finally. I found the seventh.

No, not the screw, Gerlach. The seventh of the endless.

Anyone who reads Sandman will know what that means. Anyone who doesn't, well, you should. I kept reading through the issues Jim had lent me until I got to the right point in the arc.

Yawn. Found the seventh very late. Lots of issues. Need more sleep.

For all the PC nuts (Nikulai! Roland!) who are picking on my Mac - sigh - I thought you were broader minded. ...

Kymber:Wait, are you typing this at me from a Mac?! Do I need to wash my hands afterwards?
Theo:I've been typing at you from a Mac for years and it hasn't killed you yet.
Kymber: !*mrph!

I like Colin a lot right now. Nah-nah to the rest of you.

A weekend of good company and Pennsic chores.

Roland and I spent last night enjoying each other's company in blissful solitude. We hadn't had a chance to really talk in weeks, which is unfortunate, since I'm married to a fascinating tooluser person. And he's very good at working out my problems.

Me: And this has been bothering me, it's like being boxed in a corner, this stupid little thing. Cause first I think about ... ... me listing many sides of an issue that's been gnawing at me. Roland stares at me in patient amazement as the list gets longer and longer. Okay, I guess there were a lot more facets to this problem than I thought.

Roland: Ummmmm.... This is looking more like a dodecahedron to me....

Me: So maybe I'm not in a box, cause a box only has six sides, and there are more than six angles to this problem and maybe, maybe there's enough sides that the facets are near infinite and are turning into a sphere....

Roland: I want you to know this is dizzying.

Me: ....Yeah! A sphere. I'm not a hamster on a wheel. I'm a hamster in a ball! Trapped in a ball. You know those clear balls they put hamster in so they are like in a mobile cage and them the hamster runs and the balls runs around the floor. Remember? My college roommate had a hamster she would put in the clear ball and let loose in the apartment. And the hamster comes at you and you think *ack!* a rat is running at me! But it's slightly okay cause the hamster is inside a ball, all safe and sanitary.

Except the hamster knew how to wedge the ball behind the toilet and unscrew the lid and then the hamster was wild and free in the apartment. Big *ACK* and remember my mother climbing on the chair?

And, even when it stayed in the ball, the balls have holes. Air holes - which is fortunate because otherwise the hamster would die and a hamster suddenly dropping dead inside a rolling ball would be more disturbing - but, but, then when the hamster poops inside the ball - cause they will cause they are hamsters and hardly litter trained or anything - then the poop falls out of the air holes.

So, first you're in a sphere and then - blam! - you're walking in hamster poop!

Roland stares at me somewhat charmed, but mostly in shell shock.

Me: I should call Kymber while I'm sober enough not to tell her about the hamster in a ball?

Roland: Hmmmm. Must be hanging out with Alan too much.

After than, we poured more Scotch and worked our way through the Harry Potter 'Extra Features' DVD.

Scribble to Theo

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