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2002-06-20 - 7:12 p.m.

Geek love

My new work MacIntosh (which I�ve decided to name Titanium Kitten) followed me home today since I left straight after another long telecon with Canada. chorus of Blame Canada here.

(Yes, honey a MacIntosh entered our home and, contrary to your religious beliefs, the roof did *not* fall in.)

I connect the Ti-Kitten to the home network and, I know I�ve succeded because *poof* suddenly Roland IM�s me from the other end of the couch.

Yes, the other end of the couch. Stop it, baby. You�re one foot away from me.

He types back: Pathetic, am I???? MACs are evil (reminder of message censored for cuteness).

I will now spend the next fifteen minutes trying to make Roland touch the Macintosh.

Stay tuned tomorrow to find out what happens with the immovable PC user meets the irresistibly cute little Mac.

Spent the time between 6ish am and my morning meeting finishing computer set-up and talking with Balynar who seems reasonably peppy and coherent given his knee was rearranged yesterday leaving his scale of pain equal to the answer of the Universe (42).

I�m glad to hear from sweet Balynar. (Somewhere Balynar gags at the �sweet� crack.) I know how awful recovering from injury can be (six screws in my ankle, broken joints in my spine, herniated disk, yadda, yadda, yadda). Hang in there, Balynar.

(There�s a funny story about the six screws holding my ankle together. No, Gen, not the fact you can trace the plate and screws through my skin � I felt Nia flinch from here � but the fact there were seven screws on the hospital bill. To this day, they�ve never explained where the seventh screw went.

I think that means I officially have a loose screw. Loose, lost, whatever.)

Lunch was another trip to the comic shop. New Amazing Spider-Man issue and the *last* Midnight Nation. Wow, what a kick to the end of that story. I can now lend the issues to AoD, who just might like them.

And, as we�re leaving the comic shop, we run into two more of our coworkers. J makes sure they notice us by shouting Hello boys in his best Miss Dolly voice across the parking lot.

Straight men can jump really high.

Jim also brought me the rest of the Sandman annuals. The first four were gut-wrenchingly good (first hit�s free) and now I have the remaining seven on the end table.

But before I get sucked back into the Kingdom of Dream, I must take my sweet Roland away from the computers. Until next time, ... To absent friends, lost loves, old gods, and the season of the mists; and may each and ever one of us always give the devil his due. -N. Giaman,

Scribble to Theo

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