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2002-06-11 - 2:04 p.m.

Eight is for Bronze

Monday was Monday all day.

Overslept. The new security software Roland installed before heading to NJ blocked internet access and I didn't have time to fix it before work. Had to stay later than I wanted because of late arrival.

Fought all morning with a file format problem on information I needed to read. But I wasted an hour failing to get it printed out.

The security computer gurus have my new laptop (TOY!) and won't give it to me until they get around to configuring it. Not that they're getting around to it in a hurry.

The lawn company says the lawn is so bad they need to meet with me in person before giving me an estimate on seeding and topsoil and love necessary to create a lovely verge - I told them that on the phone, but I guess they didn't believe me.

The ditz that rear-ended Roland Memorial Day weekend still hasn't owned up to the accident so her insurance company won't fix our bumper, but I've been thrown off their claims hotline twice now.

I got a privacy policy notice about a credit card company I'm no longer with selling my contact information, but I can't get off their list cause my account number is no longer valid.

It's my eighth wedding anniversary and my true love is far away.

He doesn't need to be here, though.

He make my every day a celebration of love, which is much better than a high calorie dinner on a particular date.

I love you, Roland.

The eighth anniversary entitles me to gifts of Bronze and/or pottery? Who makes this stuff up?

And after 15 years, you have to go in five year steps of gifts? Ha!

Hey, baby, hang in there - number eleven is the Steel anniversary.

Scribble to Theo

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