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2002-06-17 - 1:16 p.m.

Purple is the best

Purple is the best.

The evil people who control the world do not put enough grape popsicles in a box.

In a box of 24, there's maybe six grape. The rest is filled in with red and orange.

I've eaten almost an entire box in the last four days, thanks to this summer cold making my throat raw and scratchy.

Crazy, busy week last week. Middle of Thursday, this cold just hit me all at once. I left work and went home to bed. Of course, I choose to get ill and snuffly the day my sweet Roland finally gets home from exile in NJ. Official pout.

Friday, fortunately, was my flex day - I slept, made a quick grocery stop, and tidied up before guests arrived. Put together a simple dinner. Slept.

Anne, Novella and Isabel arrived a little before 8 pm and kept us up being interesting till 1ish? They were very wonderful and brought us a set of lovely bookends, something pretty and functional to keep all our books in line. (Yeah, I have book issues. Leave me alone.)

Roland was very patient with four women primping in the morning before we headed to Highland River Melees. I drug out my bright maroon cote to match my new light blue hood. I was going to add a green underdress before Dame Anne said, Well, add a yellow bag and you'd look like Easter.

My cold left me less than bouncy at the event, but I helped Baroness Agnes with the list table for awhile. I had a lot of fun visiting with Rhiannon (who I subjected to a cotehardie lecture - come to my century baby), Anne, Isabel, Mia, Lukas and Novella all day. Kyneburh and Padraiga pulled out the croquet set middle of the afternoon for a game of Pell Mell. That was a lot of fun. I, of course, was green and came in second behind the blue Roland-Kymber team.

Sure let Roland take over for you. His hobby involves using hammers precisely and a croquet mallet looks like a hammer to me.

We need to a purple croquet mallet for Roland. Purple is the best.

Roland saved my life by packing Diet Coke when I'd only asked for water. Love my Roland. He kicked butt on the rapier field Saturday and I missed it all (frown) while I busy helping Agnes.

Who actually cleans the medicine cabinet? I know, I know, you're supposed to go through and toss out expired medicine, but who actually does that?

Still, how can the be Benadryl two years out of date? Drixoral it is.

Saturday night we again stayed up late being interesting and chatty until sometime after midnight. I really enjoy having houseguests.

Sunday, after our company was safely on the road, we collapsed into dozing on the couch, napping in front of the Sunday movies, playing with the computer.

(Want to be frightened? Do a google search on images of squirrels.)

Unfortunately, I had to cut my nap short to head over to my in-laws for dinner. I adore my in-laws and was quite cranky I didn't get to visit them Thursday night because of the onset of this cold. But my body really wanted to stay in bed.

Coolness, my sister-in-law made fabulous cherry cola ribs, potato salad and corn muffins for a father's dad BBQ. I haven't seen Roland's family in too long, so that was uber cool. Still, I felt so *blah* we went home early rather than joining the Harry Potter Quest game.

Scribble to Theo

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