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2002-06-05 - 12:02 p.m.

Alfven and Arthur

Words I've learned in the past two days:

Helicity. Synoptic. Nowcasting. Irradiance. Echelle mode. Geoeffective. Comatic. Trapezia. Vignetting (not the short play, but a different definition).
Finally, my personal favorite - Alfven speed - because it sounds like a D&D character attribute.

Armed with this technobabble, I am now qualified to design spacecraft and write Star Trek scripts.

Make the proposal reading stop.

Last night's trip to the library yielded a bunch of good books on tapes, including an excellent lecture series on the myth of King Arthur. I'm on lecture three and we're just starting on the Mabinogi, but she promises to get all the way through to Morte d'Arthur. No mention yet of the Vulgate Cycle which I found a little strange, but her outline include Capellnus and Chretien de Troyes.

Suppress urge to read Christine de Pisan or that cool copy of Gaston Phoebus's Book of the Hunt that arrived yesterday.

Stay in the boat.

Poor Roland. Away at work. Poor me. Lonely without Roland. Poor Roland, he was still writing code at 11 pm last night when I called his hotel.

Must sally forth to obtain food for a working lunch.

Scribble to Theo

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