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2002-06-04 - 12:00 p.m.

Amplify Nirvana

I just had a lead engineer use the phrase Amplify Nirvana. I love my Project S.

Kymber & Mel wandered in for dinner last night.

Gen called to apologize she wasn't joining us, which was how I discovered Mel was coming. What an unexpected happiness.

Or maybe Mel cosmically knew my Mom sent her a present I needed to deliver. My mom has had this compulsion to buy Mel something crystal and decorative for months as a housewarming gift. Send Mel flowers to fill her gorgeous new vase.

We had leftover smoked pork from my Mom's retirement BBQ (see yesterday's 'great pork chase') and chocolate fudge pops.

Mmmmm, Cuan food says Kymber.

Amplify Nirvana.

Must repress sudden urge to re-read Siddharta and get back to work.

Scribble to Theo

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