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2002-05-21 - 9:15 a.m.

Red, green, and gold

Last night was spent seeing red.

For some reason, I have this huge need to be creative right now - I feel a *big* garbing fit coming on. Because I compulsively multitask, I did paperwork in-between working on a dyebath and watching the season finale of Angel.

I have way too much blue in my SCA wardrobe. Be quiet, Kymber. I need more color variety, so I dyed a chunk of stuff scarlet last night. Lovely red with that burgundy overtone. Not pink. Pink bad.

Tonight, I'll probably turn something blue during the season finale of Buffy. [Wash machine is near television in case the correlation seems odd.]

This morning was spent saving a tiny piece of our environment.

I was watering and pruning the two philodendrons that live in my office when it suddenly occurred to me to check on Dr. L's spider plant. My coworker may be a world reknowned technical expert, but he hardly ever waters his pathetic spider plant. I even once caught him dumping his coffee into the thing. About every six weeks, I kidnap the plant, water and feed it, and return it to his absentminded care.

What can I say? I like green things.

I should probably go check on Dr. J's rubber plant. It's usually withered and deflated by the time I get around to taking it water.

Work is getting better.

Or maybe I'm more rested. Or maybe the trip to NoD improved my attitude. Or maybe I'm just getting used to my new job where there's always twenty overdue items on my to do list. I think they call it de-sensitizing.

It's like taking an arachniphobe and making them raise spiders. You slowly get acclimatized to the horror.

Gold stars for me; I had my mid-term review with my new boss today.

Here I am feeling like such a wimp because I cannot get my work assignments completed. Tons of people I mean to talk to about various details. A long list of follow up memos to write. I have a stack of fifteen documents to read for the chaos project. (I counted them yesterday - kind of like calculating your grade before finals to figure out what you have to make on the final/how much you have to study. Okay, that's embarassingly geeky.)

He thinks I'm doing a great job. Not a bad review when I was reading comic books at my desk in January. Isn't life funny? We are always our harshest critic and most forgiving fan.

I felt even better because he had some negative feedback to share. That means he spent some time checking up on me and is trying to help me improve. And that he wasn't just blowing sunshine. No one is perfect. Telling me I'm perfect makes me nervous.

The unexamined life is not worth living - Aristotle.

Oh, the negative feedback?
(Of course, you people want to know the bad. That's why there are entire TV channels devoted to celebrity break-ups.)
It was the same as my positive feedback. "She speaks her mind uncompromisingly on relevant issues" versus "She is abrupt, abrasive and overly quick to speak her mind."

Both of which are true.
Being unambigious is a double edged sworded. Guess I should check which end I'm pointing where, eh?

Scribble to Theo

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