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2002-05-20 - 12:40 p.m.

A duckie the size of your head

Hello, SORCHA says Daffyd very loudly into the phone. The twenty people hiding in the living room in preparation for Sorcha's baby shower try to suddenly become very, very quiet. We did a mediocre job, but she figured it was the television. You're going which way? No you need to turn�.

They arrive, Sorcha manages to take about a minute to notice the living room filled with balloons, people and a pile of gifts. Hee hee. Andrew: Hey, hon. We're not going to that movie. � Yeah. Wow. Sorcha looks at the horsie and kittie and star balloons. I can see that.

Baby shower gifts are deadly. At some point, you get caught up in the cute of it all. Even if you're just giving a gift certificate, it needs to be attached to a soft toy. Maybe a squeaky toy. And a rattle. And cute socks. With matching mittens.

We had a blast. The hostesses did a fabo job, food was amazing, and Andrew and Sorcha now own a yellow rubber duckie the size of Andrew's head. Maybe at that size you can't call it a duckie. Perhaps, it's a DUCKIE! It came with it's own sailor hat. Sorcha thinks she can use it as a discplinary tool. Be good or I'll get the DUCK-IE!

What else did I do this weekend?

A stressed Roland (issues at work - don't ask) finally departed for Elizabethan adventures on Friday, leaving the cat and me completely unsupervised. So I told Pardiaga stories, caught up with Tully over IM.

Read my new pile of comics.

Made milkshakes with Starbucks frappucino and thus was awake very late Friday night. So I assembled my treadmill, because I didn't have the brainpower to do anything else at 1 am.

I can hook the treadmill to the computer and a personal trainer will take me through a canyon run in Colorado or a beach trail through Kaui, scenic vistas keeping pace with my progress through the wonders of the internet. More technology than sense. I think I'll just read a book.

Did a lot of sewing project planning. Books and pictures all over the place. Sorted and washed fabric. (Roland: What is with the white fuzz all over the house? � I washed a LOT of fabric. � Uh-huh.)

Did some cutting and sewing. Worked out a stocking pattern for me using Kyneburh's notes. The entire process is much easier once you decide to dot the key measurement points on your leg. I got most of the ink off before heading the Sorcha's baby shower.

Sunday night, after Roland got home, we went to see "Attack of the Clones." Now, you will all be subjected to my commentary, if you haven't seen it.




Boo me out of the room if you want, but I thought the acting was good and the writing was weak.

There was only one point where I thought Anakin behaved out of character (when he was whining about 'being held back' while Padme was packing for Naboo), otherwise, I thought he behaved like a mixture of teenager in growing pains and old and powerful beyond his years.

The writing, well, needed some help in spots.

How likely it is, after months of sensing his mother was in trouble, she dies in Anakin's arms 30 seconds after he finds her? No, don't buy it. Found it a little weird he knew nothing about his mom's life.

C3P0 is the ultimate straight man, but he WAY exceeded his pun quota as the writers bypassed clever and ironic and took the cheap and easy gag.

The political plot was fairly convoluted for Star War's black and white universe. I think they could've spent a touch more time on smooth expository dialogue rather than so much time on chase scenes.

Calvalry penalty. First Obi Wan gets captured. (Cause if you want to sneak around you should probably (a) not dress like a Jedi and (b) not tell everyone who asks everything they want to know.) Anakin and Padme go to rescue him and get caught. Then, Master Windu and the Jedi come to rescue them and get surrounded. Then, Yoda happens to show up during the crucially dramatic 30 seconds with another set of calvary. You can only use the escape hatch so often.
But wait, because after the big army is defeated, they chase the head bad guy and, again, Yoda comes to the resuce.

Yoda kicking butt was wonderful, but they played that a little too much for laughs. I remember when Luke fought Darth Vader and there was no hint of humor in that battle.

Overall, loved it. Would see it again. It's not like there aren't a lot of plot flaws and overly convenient rescues in every fantasy story.

Maybe Jar Jar will die in the next story. Please let it be a quick shot with no deathbed soliquoy.

Scribble to Theo

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