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Just for Pope Gregory...

Finding the nativity

An accelerated rate

To tell the secrets of my prison-house

House and a shelf

2002-05-22 - 11:22 a.m.

Fake, yet cheerful. Shallow, but honest.

The truck outside my window is blocking my sunlight.

However, since it is painted with a fake, yet cheerful, mountain vista advertising Crystal Springs water, I forgive them.

My normal view is the loading dock area, which has been filled with construction equipment for many months, so the truck's Sound of Music scenery, complete with happy faced sun, is okay by me.

Susie, damn Joss Whedon's black, black soul. I never saw that coming. Or that. Or that. I screamed at least once.

Damn the people that call during Buffy. My phone kept ringing and I kept ignoring it.

When I'm watching one of the three TV shows I actually follow, I don't want interruptions.

Shallow, I know. Shallow, but honest.

Tonight is West Wing. (Damn Nia for getting me addicted to that show too.) (Stop chuckling.)

Don't call unless you love me enough to understand my shallow and transient ways and will let me hang up on you the instant the commerical is over.

Roland is still in NJ exile for work. He sounds very tired. I miss my bed warmer.

The cat is pouting because Garibaldi loves Roland best, despite the fact I'm the one that rescue his furry butt from homelessness.

Nikulai sent me his friend's commentary on the spherical woodchuck premise:

I could be wrong..... but wouldn't the volume of STOMACH be 4/3*pi*(diameter/2)^3 ????? I believe that a value of 4/3*pi*(diameter/2)^2. would yield a rather two dimensional woodchuck. Which is fine if we were talking about cartoon characters,........ but this is the real world.

Me: Sad. Correct, but sad.
Of course, I wrote the proof in the first place, but only to taunt Nia.
Isn't it less geeky to write a joke proof that to edit a joke proof?

Nikulai: I think there is a scale of geekiness but I am no arbiter. I think if you understand the proof then you are very geeky.

This from the man who writes about 3u and 6u size card cages.

Scribble to Theo

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