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To tell the secrets of my prison-house

House and a shelf

2002-05-14 - 12:53 p.m.

Five legs of happiness

No, that's not Chinese food.

I decided to tell Nia about Kymber's five legged, three-eyed, happy faced pentapus.

IM conversations with Nia are always dangerous.

Theo: Kymber is now working with Roland.
This can only lead to more randomness.

Nia: working with Roland? quoi?

Theo: Roland's firm was hiring security IT folks. Kymber is secure. Heck, Kymber is paranoid.

Theo: Roland left a three-eyed smiley face octopus thing on her new desk (Something Mel found) to make her feel welcome.

Nia: Well, and who wouldn't feel welcome with a three eyed octopus on their desk?

Nia: We have a rat we give to each new person as they join our department

Theo: It was a happy octopus. It was a three eyed smiley thing that folds out to 'evolve' into an octopus. With antennae.

Nia: It's good that you and Roland save two normal people from unhappy marriages

Theo: HEY! MEL, let me emphasize MEL bought the thing.

Nia: and ROLAND gave it to her, with YOUR express blessing, I'm sure
"oh, it's cute" you said
"oh, it'll make her feel right at home" you said
"oh that's so nice" you said

Theo: No, I said "Hey, honey - that weirdo thing on the kitchen table is for Kymber, I assume?"
He said "Yeah. Mel got it. I'm just the delivery boy." Then I went upstairs to unpack from Crown.

Nia: un huh
if you say so. sure

Theo: So last night I asked if Kymber liked it and he said "Well, it evolved."
"I didn't realize but it folds out into an octi thingy."
"It was sitting by her monitor when I left."
See? So not involved.

Nia: I believe you

Theo: Think how much you'd hate us if we lived close enough to put smiley faced octopus thingys on your desk.

Nia: Really

Theo: I feel sarcasm.

Nia: Maybe a little, you think?

Theo: I, at least, have never painted my legs blue.

Nia: HEY!
Now, that's not fair.
I had chiggers!
cut me some slack, Cruel Woman.

Nia: See, even if you are not guilty in this instance, you would have given her such a thing if you had found it....

Theo: No way.

Nia: So by tranference, you ARE guilty

Theo: I would've give it to Padraiga to give to her.

Nia: Guilt by association is still guilt
It's just cowardly guilt

Theo: Fine, okay? Fine!
I would've given the octopus I can admit it!

Nia: Thank you.

Nia: See, the first stage of recovery is to admit you have a problem

Theo: I admitted it!
I feel so free!
Woo hoo! I think I'll go be naked and wild now.

Nia: Ummm....okay
You are on your own, Kemosabe. Go to town alone

Scribble to Theo

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