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House and a shelf

2002-05-13 - 12:33 p.m.


Even Jesus needed a night in Gethsemane before he could take up the burden of the cross.

I think that night in Gethsemane is the most amazing part of the Easter miracle. Christ was given the choice to walk away, to avoid a painful death he did not deserve. But, he knew there was no one else to bear the burdens of man so he found the strength to stay and make the sacrifice.

My life is so much smaller, I am so much weaker, but I still feel much more able to meet my tasks after a caesura. Strategic pauses make the song so much more beautiful. Without them, the music becomes noise.

In the land of NoD, you get to sleep for most of the day.

In the land of NoD, you get strawberries and cream for breakfast and sushi for lunch, with chai as a midmorning snack. And you eat them at a table where you can admire the roses your true love brought you.

Everyone should occasionally visit the land of NoD. My visit was made possible by my splendid husband who dealt with the day to day stuff for a couple days so I could recover my equilibrium. He even (wow) cleaned the entire house and sent me out shopping with Mel.

Get your own travel agent. Roland's all booked up.

Kenny and Tonton got married Saturday. As all good weddings are, it was beautiful and sniffly, a celebration of new beginnings and old family ties.

The sun made dappled shadows through the trees and the light breeze tasted like solemn joy, as Kenny and Tonwyn joined hands and pledged their forever.

I love watching couples take their vows.

It's at that moment all the nonsense about what kind of sauce to put on the chicken and who will sit where just fades away. It's that moment when you have the warm and poignant realization that you will have this wonderful partner for the rest of your life. I snuggled close to Roland and savored the moment. Love is a splendid thing.

Also (bonus) they ordered too much champagne.

Maybe they knew that level of happiness required extra toasts and celebration. Their friends did their best to celebrate properly. (grin)

Lunch today includes chocolate yogurt. The container features a picture of a brown cow wearing sunglasses. This pleases me immensely for no particular reason.

Last week, I noticed the retaining clip that holds the fluid nozzle on my rear window wiper had come loose. I idly reattached it without paying much attention.

The result?

I now have a rear wiper washer that does *not* squirt fluid on the rear window. In fact, it shoots the fluid directly behind the vehicle. I found this out when I pushed the squirt button and watched the car behind me swerve in shock.

I have a torpedo.

This also pleases me immensely.

I'm thinking of not fixing it.

Scribble to Theo

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