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Just for Pope Gregory...

Finding the nativity

An accelerated rate

To tell the secrets of my prison-house

House and a shelf

2002-04-15 - 9:10 p.m.

Bother! I've forgotten my scythe.

I got two very original answers to my question ...

... from Luned: hmmm...Angel of Death and Pooh merge...."Oh, bother, I've forgotten my scythe!"

... and from Tully: An answer for... not something like this, only with sore paws, right?

But that's not quite what made me think of this particular question...

Gently, AoD picked up the Winnie-the-Pooh puppet from the table, and gloved her delicate little paw.

Please, said Theo with big sad eyes, Please, sing the evil Christopher Robin song?

The little paws form an M-16, and a lilting soprano voice sings in an upper class British accent ...

Christopher Robin and I run along,
Under shell-bursts with our M-16s,
Blowing up Heffalumps, Wol, and Eeyore
For the pleasure of hearing their screams.
But we wandered much further today than we should,
And Christopher's hit in the back pretty good!

... the little paws reach for the steak knife and gingerly lift it. He gesticulates for towards Beth's brave fiance Steve, and sings ...

So, help me if you can I've got to get
Back in the knack of cold-blooded killing!
You'd be surprised at the mayhem I bring:
Burning a village for kicks;
Flaying a native with sticks...
Back in the trenches with Christopher Robin and Pooh!

... but Steve is bearing up well. The Brazilian BBQ meat faucet experience has braced him for pretty much anything. ...

Winnie the Pooh doesn't know what to do,
He's got napalm all over his clothes.
He came to me asking help and advice,
So I shot him before he got close.
But Christopher would try to help his poor bear,
And so both have burned up with a bright orange flare!

... emotively, Pooh gestures wide, ready for the big finish ...

Singin': Help me if you can I've got to get
Back in the hang of this whole murder thing.
You'd be surprised at the mayhem I bring:
Burning a village for kicks; Flaying a native with sticks...
Back in the trenches with Christopher Robin ...
Warming my hands over Christopher Robin ...
Making s'mores over Pooh!

-- "Roughhouse at Pooh Corner," to the tune of "House at Pooh Corner," by three warped students, College of Wooster, 1979

That song completely cracks me up. It's sick. It's twisted. It's (what's Kymber's description of AoD?) disturbingly cute.

Beth's lovely fiance, Steve, was visiting from the UK last week and we met them for dinner Wednesday in Columbia. Gen and Alan were just a little late, but Gen brought me the random gift of a Winnie-the-Pooh puppet, which was used to alarm and amuse everyone.

Steve, by the way, is splendid. He was only mildly disturbed by the Pooh puppet. He'll be an excellent British import once they wade through the fiance visa paperwork.

Dinner and meat and then chocolate mousse at Clyde's for dessert. When is Steve moving here permanently?

I'm thinking of starting a cult.

I had to give a command performance, five minute presentation on my favorite project, because my lead was on travel. So I talked about the science (what), the design challenges to make it work (how) and who was on our team. Five minutes in a tedious two hour 'everyone in the division' all-hands meeting.

This morning, I found my Project S lead in the hallway. He'd been cornered by a mutual coworker who was telling him how wonderful my little spiel was, which is about the tenth you were compelling reaction I've gotten. John's apparently gotten the same feedback. His take? I think I'll adjust your assignment and put you down for all the presentations. Hey!

How good can you be in five minutes? Nobody expound on that

I explained to our hallway coffe klatch, that I think solar science is cool. That in the realm of historical costuming, solar science, the climate, the weather patterns can actually tell us what people would've worn.

Vikings probably didn't dress as warmly as you think...
But they had those horned helmets.
Actually, the didn't have horns on their helmets. It's a myth perpetuated by 19th century opera costuming.
So Wagner is responsible for the Viking horns?
I do *not* believe you
Sorry to bring harsh reality to your comic book world.

I tell you, men really hold on to that "Spear and Magic Helmet" fantasy, don't they?

What should I call my cult?
Should I require Pooh tattoos?

Scribble to Theo

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