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2001-12-07 - 7:57 a.m.

I like ducks

I took the Art Test - rarely bother to take this online personality tests, but I like art �

If I were a work of art, I would be Vincent Van Gogh's The Starry Night.

I am a tiny village at peace while overhead rages the tumult of the heavens. Objects whirl and flash around me in a fevered haze only partially reflected in reality while I remain grounded and secure in my isolation.

Which work of art would you be? The Art Test

� and as a consequence, I know have the Christmas Carol "Oh holy night, the stars are brightly shining �" stuck in my head. Damn word association.

I am back at work. Whoo-hoo! Very excited. My congestion is down to the 30% level, so I limped in to work. How lame is that?

Yesterday, I left the house.

In a desperate bid to eat food that was not (a) soup or (b) cough drops, we met Gen & Alan at Rocky Run for dinner. [We could go to Outback says Gen They have good soup. Bitch I grumble, causing Rob to stare at me.]

Crab cakes and a loaded baked potato (with all the sour cream in he world - because with my impaired hearing, whatever I said to the waiter, he just brought more sour cream). And I spent the evening with - Wow - live people - not television.

After dinner, we went over to Last Chance where the gang prompty irritated the band by actually talking. Hey, we were sitting further away from the stage. And you know, if you want your audience to listen, play captivating music with a beat - do *not* sing strange ballads in a mumble.

By the time we got to the bar, I was punchy and feeling all tired again. With my ears all stopped up, I could only hear so much, but everyone was very sweet and was happy to see me semi-coherent.

Matt: How you feeling sweetie?

Theo: I like ducks. Yes, I do.

Matt to Roland: How many drugs is she on? Roland shakes head, disclaims responsibility.

Laura further irritated the band leader by singing the evil Christopher Robin song for me. I can't find a copy of the lyrics, but it involves napalm and roasting smores over Pooh bear. Very twisted. Thanks Laura.

Now I must attempt to sort the 200+ email messages from this week and dig out my desk. All before we leave to shoot aliens.

Scribble to Theo

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