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2002-03-19 - 6:07 p.m.

There was a ukulele and a tiki god


Are you and Gina still drinking somewhere?

Um, no says Kymber. Why?

Because there was a ukulele.

A ukulele?

And a tiki god.

Why do you call me?

Friday night I had dinner with:

*My dad (who asked for a divorce on their 30th wedding anniversary - they've been divorced, um, three years?)

*My dad's live-in girlfriend (who had nothing to do with the divorce. Later addition.)

*My sister-in-law (who was in town for a math conference and harbors anger at my dad cause dad really behaved strangely for awhile.)

*My sister-in-law's coworker who came along to the conference with sister-in-law. Coworker also happens to be my mom's best friend. She's taught in the classroom next door for 20+ years, including the rough part of the divorce.

Friday conversation with BdeB, who'd had dinner with his family Thursday night: Why do we do this again? I ask Pretty much for the free food.

"Of course not, mother. I'm only here for the food." - Jacqueline from the movie Ever After

I meet this merry party at The Pacific Rim restaurant in Virginia. As the first to arrive, I cannot distract myself from these facts:

Our table is just next to the tiny dance floor.

At the opposite edge, there is a tiki god with little white beady eyes staring at me.

He's wearing a bad plastic lei.

Behind the tiki god is an electric keyboard complete with an accompanist wearing an hibiscus in her hair and playing "Moon River" surrounded by bamboo and fake palm trees.

I do *not* make this stuff up.

They arrive having spent the early part of the evening shopping (that must have been ... interesting). The food is fabulous. The lounge singer is infatiguable and plays for the entire two hours or three hours. There are three birthdays, each heralded by a ukulele solo from the lounge singer.

I kept concentrating on the food, cause it was really good. All in all, it was a pretty fun evening - I adore my sister-in-law and my mom's best friend. And there were pictures of my nephew. (who totally has my hair). But I really could've used a tequila shot at the end of it.

Saturday, Kyna and I intended to be productive. But we all slept late. And she brought me Angelina's chocolate from Paris. So we had to go to the grocery store to get cream to make hot chocolate.

Cream for hot chocolate: $5

Two bottles of cheap wine: $10

Crackers for wine: $4

April issue of Cosmo: $2

Reading out loud the "75 ways to drive a man insane" article, complete with editoral commentary while Roland was in the room: priceless.

The only thing that could've made it better: Reading Kevin the article. Probably would've made him bend metal given that reading him tawdry fiction made him beat his head against the wall. But we didn't get through.

Things we learned: we are *not* Cosmo girls.

Scribble to Theo

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