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2001-07-23 - 8:44 p.m.

Canteloupe and oregano ice cream.

[It is TRULY stunning what you can distract yourself with when you have to work late. Just like exam prep, you can find you must finish a million little things before you can actually settle down to work.]

Green tea ice cream.

Hey, don't knock it until you've tried it. There's this great company in Texas called "Out of a Flower" and they make ice cream from flowers. I'm not sure where it's sold retail but you can try buy it through the net at the link above.

You think Ben & Jerry's dreams up some odd flavors? Oh, no, you've got to try these people. Their 'White Chocolate and Poppy Seed' is fantastic, so it the 'French Lavender'. I notice they've added a lot of new flavors.

Maybe we can combine Scotch and an Ice Cream tasting party for the fall. I need an excuse to order a batch of this stuff. So far my experience with it has been limited to small samples.

I'm a fairly gourmet cook. People named Gen and Mel usually raid my kitchen for stuff because I actually have five kinds of pepper (black, white, green, pink, long) and five kinds of flour (rye, wheat, white, rice, potato) on hand as well as other wacky stuff like hyssop, tahini, saffron, sandalwood and true cinnamon. Hey, I could have worse vices.

My long suffering husband is often sent to the store to forage for items he cannot identify. Apparently, by marrying me he signed up for a cooking course. Sorry, love, my dad did apologize the day before our wedding and my current plan it to use that excuse forever.

Rob came back from one memorable trip pretty cranky and stormed in the kitchen, demanding to know what argula was. "Just give me a hint - frozen, produce, sausage, cheese?" Poor boy. Now the rule is, if it's not on the list, precisely described, you don't get it. After the argula incident, that's the best I could negotiate.

I bought a food encyclopedia in self-defense. Unfortunately, while the shallots entry had the entire history of the item, starting from the Greek root of the word and it's first identification by Pliny in 1 B.C., (I read an unwilling Rob the entire entry) it did not have a *picture* of shallots and did not earn Rob's trust.

While we're on weird cooking things, check out www.gingerpeople.com These people make the best ginger products in the world. Just get the crystallized ginger for a snack. It's also supposed to help with nausea/morning sickness, which I never knew, I just like the stuff. I wonder if it cures car sickness. All their site's link icons are shaped like ginger root people and they make me laugh.

Their ginger beer won the best in show last year and is well worth trying.

I just love the ginger people. Sweet and spicy, just like me (grin).

Finally, who could forget Paris?

If you ever go, make time to visit Rue de Rivoli, a street which runs along the the Tuilieres gardens and past the Louvre. Find a tea salon called Angelina's and order their hot chocolate. They will bring you a melted pot of chocolate - not milk, not cocoa powder - melted chocolate and a pot of freshly whipped cream and leave you to combine the two in quiet ecstasy.

Honestly, the best hot chocolate on the planet and the food is kickin' too.

Just the memory makes me warm all over.

Scribble to Theo

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