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2002-03-20 - 8:30 p.m.

Kiss the sky

Disclaimer: I am completely hummy on Nyquil. Nyquil makes me drunker than anything on the planet.

As far as I remember, I spent the moments just before sleep last night telling Roland how much I'd like to be a kite and fly down the hills over rolling wheat fields.

I should go to bed where I cannot embarass myself.


Tully has also experienced the fright of the Ukulele lady. Apparently, the place used to have a five piece Hawaiian band (like Don Ho, only not hip), but now they just have the Ukulele lady.

But the food is really good.

What goes up, must come down Orbital debris, both manmade and natural bombards our planet daily.

Kiss the sky, my friends, because it protects us - most things burn up before hitting the surface. But not all.

We can't do much about the natural phenomenon, but the world community is trying to do something about manmade space debris.

We didn't realize just how junky space would get, but years of launch vehicle, rocket pieces, leftover satellites, and it's starting to build up. Now, when we design spacecraft, we have to consider how to ensure it can be safely disposed of. So I'm spending two days in a colloquia on orbital debris.

Cool stuff. Especially when we get to hear presentations from US Space Command.

(Does that make anyone else think of Buck Rodgers and Flash Gordon and bad toy laser pistols?)

On the way home, I followed a pick-up truck with a propellor mounted on it's trailer hitch twirling gently in the wind.


Scribble to Theo

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