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2002-02-12 - 1:51 p.m.

Stuff on the Bottom

I stole this link wholesale from Gorm, a new member of our voyeuristic diaryland crowd cause I just had to share it with my favorite Angel of Death. I present ...


Samuri Bunny! (Or Samuri Lapin, but Lapin is 'Bunny' in French.)

He's furry, he's cute, he's loveable, he's dangerous. He was probably bred from AoD's bunny that once scared me to death merely by hopping. Whatever he is, I almost died laughing.

Roland rocks. My hubby may not have cleaned the house last night, but he got the cable modem working while I was tidying. The idiots at Comcast has *not* called to tell us it was activated despite repeated assurances they would do so, so we had it unplugged so it didn't respond so they were irritated (again, not that they called and _asked_!). Brave man spent the hour-on-the-phone-with-condescending-tech-support-people and now we have net connectivity.

Next step, wireless hub. Yes, I want to be able to surf from my sewing room, stand in my kitchen and order groceries, and update my amazon wish list while sitting next to the bookshelves. Me and the laptop on walkabout. And I get to shop for a new laser printer, network capable if it's in the budget, cause the one we have is, well, big, bulky and over ten years old. And it's starting to act funny. Let's put it this way, it doesn't even have a model number after 'LaserJet' cause it was the only one at the time Roland bought it.

I woke up at 4 am this morning for no apparent reason. Sigh. Okay - 45 minutes of low quality sleep � or get up and pay the bills I neglected to pay last night.

I'm glad Quicken is happy to be awake at that hour of the morning. Grumble. So I paid bills, balanced accounts, found stamps, got into a you-didn't-leave-the-checkbook-balanced tiff with Roland which evolved into well-that's-because-you-recorded-something-wrong-the-month-before tit-for-tat kind of thing.

Did you think we never fought? Are you hallucinating? Up to a certain point, fights are good for a relationship - like weeding a garden so it may bloom unimpeded.

So one things leads to another and we have a ten minute oh-yeah-well-you-also-didn't-do-X discussion of all the petty irritants from the past two weeks. Then, I say, Baby, I like the way you fight. I love you. Which caused Roland to bury his face in his sweater and scream Arggghhhh.

You see, we fight like engineers. It's pretty much a calm 'hmm-I-didn't-realize-I'd-screwed-that-up. I'll-try-to-do-better' sort of discussion with few impassioned 'Argh! That drives me nuts!' Of course, we sometimes have trouble deciding between 'okay-venting-felt-good-we're-done' and 'we-must-find-a-solution.' Which is bad - one person is done and the other is creating more irritation by trying to solve something that's really fine, we just needed to vent.

Still, I suppose it is disconcerting when your wife just stops tiffing, grins broadly, leans over and kisses you and compliments you on your arguing style. Honestly, I don't plan to do things like that just to drive Roland crazy. It just happens. I like it when he tells me what's wrong. I'm a controls engineer - I need feedback. So I reward feedback. Getting to the bottom of issues before they become problems is always a good thing.

I think I just felt Anne's head implode. So we fight in this weird calm way. What did you expect from two very analytical people? I did boink him with a pillow before tackling him for a hug - how's that for appropriate violence? No wonder Roland finds me very silly.

I adore my Roland and none of the rest of you can have him. I'll pretend to share, but he's really all mine, mine, mine.

I feel just smurfy today.

What is the point of yogurt with stuff on the bottom? Okay, I like the stuff, yay for the extra stuff, but why not just mix it in? Why do I have to dredge the chocolate flavoring or blueberries up from the bottom of the cup? Just mix them in. Sheesh.

On the plus side, the yogurts with spoons built into the top are pretty cool.

Scribble to Theo

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