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2002-02-13 - 3:24 p.m.

Stick Figure Kung-Fu

Okay, so nobody knows why it's called Squirrel Level road, but there's a variety of theories posted in my guestbook.

I'm sorry Gen and Roland didn't get the memo about the chocolate-peanut butter-cake-of-death. It's not my fault. I blame, I blame, � um, Padraiga? Somehow, I'm sure I'm not off the hook. I made peanut butter pie week before last?

And, Colin, don't help Roland. (Though what 'caudal' has to do with the 'rolled up newspaper of justice' I just don't know. Caudal like 'caudal fin'? Maybe that was supposed to be cavil/quibble. But it's funnier this way. Maybe Colin meant coddle. Nah, not coddle - I like being coddled.)

(And they cancelled the live action "The Tick!" TV show. Paint me bitter.)

And speaking of learning something every day, here's my new word�


1. Tediously prolonged; wordy: editing a prolix manuscript.

2. Tending to speak or write at excessive length.

� cause I tend to write long (yet fascinating, I'm sure they're fascinating) entries.

I'm glad I learned the term 'MEGO' yesterday, because I am now up to my as* in technical documents.

My boss and almost-boss (it's too complex to explain) finally decided what to do with me.

I spend half my time doing the job I wasn't sure I wanted. I think it will be fun, but I'm glad I won't be stuck there long term.

I spend half my time doing (YES!) GNCC systems work on the new spacecraft we're building. A job I want. A job that will be fun and challenging. A job that will slowly absorb more and more of my time and free me from the other project.

And I spend 20% of my time on a proposal/procurement review - which is fun as long as exposure is limited. [Yeah, that adds up to 120% of my time being used. Managers forget how to do math.]

Oh, and since I�m starting three new projects all at the same time, I have to learn three new rounds of titles/names/roles. Never thought I'd actually be happy to see an org chart, but I have them taped up so I can figure out which project the person on the other end of the phone is associated with rather than looking like a total idiot. All I can say, is jeez, can we stop hiring people named Dave, Bill, or John? (Kidding.) No wonder I call half my co-workers by their last names.

All in all, I'm quite pleased, except now I have a pile about a foot thick of technical documents to read. (Drowning, blub, blub, blub - MEGO, MEGO, MEGO)

Did y'all like the Samuri Bunny? Well, try my coworker's return link -

[Disco beat of 'everyone was kung-fu-fighting' swells � ]

Fighting stick figures!!!!

Are you done? Now don't you have this HUGE urge to go see the Shao-lin Warriors this weekend?

Scribble to Theo

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