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2002-02-11 - 4:47 p.m.

Squirrel Level Road

Last week - what did I do last week?

Helped Gen shop for dresses. In the process, I must observe Gina's little Katie has been swayed by the Meng and is facinated with tiaras. Oh dear.

I must admit I envy Meng for she has flash in addition to substance.

Ate sushi. Yum. Was mocked for being a food encyclopedia cause I could explain miso, wasabi and udon. Helped Gen by eating a prospective caterer's samples. (Happy to fall on that sword anytime.) Oh, he was nice and too expensive, but his stuff was yummy.

Work? Oh I worked hard last week. I've reached the point in my career where people pay me to guess. Spent last week guessing at a spacecraft design and had a ball doing it. My work goes like this. Scientists want to do science - so they come up with a set of observations and an instrument they want to fly in space. But, to get funding, they have to prove it's feasible and affordable. Enter engineers who help them figure that out. We do this so often, upper management created a 'mission design' center staffed by technical experts from a lot of different engineering disciplines. We spend a week in a bullpen approximating answers to the science team's questions. It's fun. Oh, it's exhausting and I'm glad I don't do it every week, but it's fun to occasionally put everything else aside and have that impassioned argument about control and mechanical jitter and probability.

Ymir was lovely. I wish the events could go on longer. I never get enough time to spend with everyone. Almost 600 people on site, and so few hours. By the time you settle in and relax, the event is half over and you have to pack.

We got an early start and had a relaxing drive. New favorite restaurant - Kahill's, exit 15 along I-85 on the Virginia side. Salmon Oscar and Sirloin Tips with Shrimp in Burgundy sauce for dinner Friday night. When you're expecting an evening of fast food, or Appleby's if you're lucky, well, Kahill's was a nice surprise and we were *happy* campers.

Bless my generous cabin mates who gave the girl with the bad back the bunk made of hard plywood. I love you guys.

Saturday, I tried to be generally useful to the MoLs, but I didn't have to run the tournament - Francesca and Etienne did a fabulous job with that.

Isobel looked fabulous in her new laureldeathhood - Roland says making her the hood was a sneaky way to encourage 14th century clothing. It's actually just a good side benefit.

I actually *gasp* got to watch Roland fight because the Free Scholar's 'Make A Wish' tournament was in the evening after feast. If you think MoLs actually get to watch fighting, you are sadly misinformed. In fact, we probably watch the least, because we're busy keeping things moving.

Nikulai, or whomever got the walls strung around the covered area - Thank you. It makes things so much warmer when the wind doesn't whistle through.

Happy Birthday to Alisandra (Mel) who had a birthday Saturday. I made her cupcakes which slightly impacted my diet progress this week, but it was worth it. Happy Birthday to Rags who had a Sunday birthday and wow, the chocolate-peanut-butter-cake-of-death was really good.

The Princess asked me if I really was a rocket scienctist. It made me giggle.

So much good fighting Saturday. Sunday morning, Roland rolls over and I say You okay? What's the matter? Feel like someone hit you with a stick? I have a very patient and wonderful husband.

Anyone else every noticed the 'Squirrel Level Road' sign you pass along I-85? Kimmie? Anyone?

This week, you ask? Why I have a fascinating week planned involving picking up the house, making curtains and doing various KMoL things. I didn't bother to put away last week since we just had to drag all the SCA stuff out for Ymir.

Scribble to Theo

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