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2002-02-01 - 9:03 a.m.


"I never did mind the little things." - Brigit Fonda from the movie 'Point of No Return.'

� which is one of the most self-delusional things I ever heard, cause it's the little things that will drive you crazy. Those tiny irritating things, like fingernails on a chalkboard, that will just eat away at your soul.

Today, just to make myself feel all clean and cathartic, I'm going to inflict my petty rants on you poor, uninvolved people.

It was drizzly yesterday and some lazy person forgot to change the wiper blades on the Tahoe (oh wait, that's me being lazy. - nevermind. Note to self - need to change oil also.)

Consumer product commericals really tick me off. I'm tired of the food ads that imply men are helpless children, too stupid to cook or survive without the indulgent/kindly/clever mom figure that appears in the ad. She also appears in the over the counter medication spots where only she has the sense to talk to the pharmacist and read labels. Without her angelic influence these families would obviously starve and die of plague.

I take umbrage on behalf of men who are *not* this stupid. I mean, I know the occasional guy who has difficulty with laundry and can't pack ttheir own lunch. But I also know woman who fall in the same category. Roland seems to cook just fine, and he does a better job reading medication labels than I do.

Similarly, I despise the ads that make woman appear weak, stupid or clingy. How about the lawn and garden or tool ads that show a helpless woman being patronized by the wise home center employee - who always seems to be a man. Or the woman who slaves to find the one food that will make her man smile at her after a hard day. There's a difference between cherishing/indulging your mate and pandering.

This morning, it was a radio ad that set me off - a conversation between two women stressing about Superbowl party food - then basking in amazement at the brief 'Good shrimp!' praise from the guys who actually take a moment from the game to notice the hours of work put into the refreshements.

Argh! I do *not* cook for people who are that inconsiderate and I resent the implication I that my entire self worth is involved in planning a menu that might make my husband notice. I have other ways to make him notice.

I don't like ads that patronize people - and most consumer ads seem to paint one gender or the other as stupid and helpless. We all have our weaknesses but this is just insulting.

Why did I watch that "Rose Red" miniseries? 6 hours and a lame resolution. I knew there was a reason I stopped reading Stephen King years ago. So much buildup, so little payoff. This is why I stopped watching Xfiles years ago.

The weather. I am NOT done with winter. I don't need this 70 degree crap. And I really don't need this 70 degree to 30 degree plunge in one day. I need snow and a sled.

But I'm really enjoying watching the clouds roll by my window at 15 mph.

They switched the Diet Coke in my vending machine to that junk with the artifical lemon flavor. Yuck. Yuck. Yuck. And why doesn't anyone put diet decaffinated stuff in the vending machines?

If I get in a 7 to an empty parking lot (meaning most of my coworkers arrive an hour or two later) and we have to put in a minimum of 8 hours, why is the parking lot almost empty at 4 pm? Basic calculus proves lots of people are shorting their hours.

So I should have no guilt about winging out early today - especially since I'm still waiting for things to do. Though it was fun telling my boss Okay, let me know when they call - cause I'll be at my desk reading comics. Yeah, they do call me unambiguous.

Strangely, I feel much better.

I also hate people who don't refill ice trays - but since we have an ice maker, that's kind of a pointless rant.

Scribble to Theo

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