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2002-02-04 - 12:56 p.m.

Table on the Ceiling

Things I did at work Friday since I didn't have an assignment or comic books:

Creating French Cultures a Library of Congress exhibit from about five years ago - I scored the catalog at Daedalus books the other weekend.

Also found some cool stuff at the National Archives of the U.K. Including the Ordinances of the French Chivalry Order of St. Michael as presented to Henry VIII. I think that one was founded ~1460? ~1480? And I know practically nothing about it. So while the picture is pretty I want to know _what does it say?_ Sigh.

I spent Friday afternoon having a great time with my husband. We left early, before the 3 pm rush hour descended, and took a leisurely drive towards Courtland VA (Berley Court). Sometimes I don't spend enough time with this really cool person I'm married to.

University was strange for me - I didn't attend a single class. There was just nothing on the schedule (largest University ever) that compelled my attendence - at least not until it was against the 2 hour class I had to teach.

I helped the University staff a little with sign in and spent most of the morning chatting with people I don't see often enough. I didn't find out about the "Resource Room" until I had to go teach. Which was a major bummer since Daffyd, J'itake, Andrew and Sorcha brought lots of books and digital pics and postcards to browse.

My class went really well. Yes, it does take two hours to explain the paperwork. Yes, I had a really sharp class that asked me at least one question that might be a loophole in our waiver handling process. Excellent. We really are an over-educated group.

Mitake wove a ruffled veil. I want one. You know, the veils that look like that have a gentle ruffle on the edge around the face - but trust me you can't get that look from pleating or gathering. I'd gone with the probably have to weave it theory, and Mitake proved it out. I get excited about period towels too. Just leave it alone.

After University, we just drove home. Random restaurant search led us to the "Mad Italian Restaurant" on the South side of Petersburg.

Okay, the light fixtures were a mixture of seventies globe d�cor and tables on the ceilling. Yep, a table with chairs and placemats bolted upside down to the ceiling with a 'lamp' providing area lighting.

The food was good, neither of us really ate anything at University so we were hungry and they made an entirely reasonable steak amongst the retro pieces mixed with the tacky Greco-Roman concrete statuary. Hey, at least they had real plants. Always impresses me when a restaurant manages to keep real plants alive rather than the silk ones.

Sunday was for sleeping in and reading comics and finally watching B5: Legend of the Rangers. (I give it a thumbs up and yes, I find the weapons systems effect cool/weird/annoying all at once.)

I did a little sewing while Roland worked on his gorget.

Note to armorers: Do not wave armor around people reading chivalry manuals.

Hey, honey, do you want to know what a gorget symbolizes in a knighting ceremony?

Sure says my beloved, in the voice that means "I'm vaguely interested and it's not like I can stop you."

What about a sword? Okay, greaves and the dagger and the helmet - everything means something - isn't that cool?

Note to seamstresses: Even if you are just innocently sitting there hemming, never make the comment I'm really fast at handwork to a guy.

Gotta buzz back to work now.

Scribble to Theo

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