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2002-01-31 - 10:12 a.m.

Pink Headphones and a big red bow

I need pink headphones. Maybe with a Blossom PPG bow. Maybe bright purple or bright green.

When I listen to music at work, I am a considerate worker and I put on my headphones. Apparently long hair obscures headphones because people constantly try to talk to me while I'm wearing them. The bad part is my reflexes make me prone to clock people that surprise me. (Ask poor Roland.) I almost took a swing at my boss yesterday cause he was chatting and walking closer when I couldn't hear him. Suddenly, I see something in my peripheral vision and *wham* - ready to swing. Caught myself in time fortunately.

Speaking of not hearing, my division just hired a deaf engineer. Time to brush up on my sign language. I was never that proficient, and I'm afraid if I sign he'll respond way beyond my speed/vocabulary level. The finger alphabet will only get you so far, especially since spell-checkers have made us all weak at spelling.

Sleepy, rainy day. But I got up on time for the first morning in months. Amazing. I've been having problems similar to BdeB getting up on time. Maybe I should ditch the flannel sheets.

However, I noticed my back hurts for the first time in weeks. Wonder if the extra sleep was keep my back healthy? Hmmm. Celebrex is our *friend*.

Thank you to Kevin, Rags, Kymber, Mel and Gen who came over last night and filed and sorted and stuffed mailings for the quarterly MoL filing. It's about ten hours of work. Or just over an hour or so if six people work at it. And the company makes everything much more fun. I admit, I enjoy sharing the pain of What does this say? What is there name? How am I supposed to file this when I can't read it?! Snicker.

They even collated my University handouts, thankyouverymuch.

And the crew ate almost all of the dessert, which means my diet is *not* in danger. It's coming along nicely - slow and steady, which is good cause I have a long way to go.

So I tried to mail the packets on the way to work this morning. I used to pass three mailboxes on my way in. But they are all gone, removed by the United State Postal Service to reduce the risk of letter bombs in public places.

A chilling reminder of how our world changed forever on 9/11.

Scribble to Theo

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