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House and a shelf

2002-01-30 - 2:08 p.m.

Resolve bad.

Don't use Resolve.

My carpet company sent someone back Saturday morning to get the red sauce out of my freshly cleaned carpet. When Bill called me on Friday evening to make the appointment, he said Oh - you used Resolve? Well, the crew will grumble about that... It turns out Resolve is an iffy product. IF it gets the stain all the way out, you're golden. IF it doesn't, it tends to set the stain and you're screwed. And there's no way to anticipate which way it'll go until you try. Ken's been trying to get his mother to stop using Resolve for 14 years.

Apparently, I would've been better off to pour a gallon of water on the carpet. Seriously, they recommended warm water with a touch of clear dishwashing soap mixed in - something like Ivory.

So, to prove I'm smarter than Ken's mother, I'm throwing out the Resolve and buying Febreeze and Ivory. And you can bet the next pasta dish will *not* involve red sauce.

Friday night was blissfully relaxing. Dinner with Gen & Alan and Bob & Laura over at the lovely Scottish pub, The Royal Mile. I gave Laura a cute little ungift.

Whose birthday is it? ... It's an ungift. It's a gift for no reason. And I even wrapped it so you can rip the paper, cause that's the good part.

Alan: I thought the point of an ungift was you didn't give the gift?

Me: Well, sometimes I give the gift anyway. It's very random. Remember your inflatable frog? (Bet that's already packed for storage.)

Laura tears into the package and makes some alarming noises which Bob translates as No, it's okay. Those are good noises. Glad Bob knows that. It was very cute.

The pub was very busy - Robert Burn's birthday - so waited about 20-25 minutes for a table - which still isn't too bad on a Friday night. Our hostess was fairly random about taking names and seating people. Despite appearances, she seemed to have it under control. Very relaxing after a long week.

I finished the buttonholes on Mel's pod hood on Friday. Yes, I have a machine everyone likes to borrow to do buttonholes. Yes, I still prefer to do mine by hand. Yes, my sock drawer is sorted by color. At least until Roland puts away the laundry.

Watched Mallrats - funny as hell - mumble ...Gen was so right. I'm sorry I was too elitist to watch this when you first suggested it. Actually watched it twice. Topless fortunetelling - hee hee hee. Watched Chasing Amy again - I liked it better the second time, no clue why.

The rest of the weekend and this week? Busy being KMoL. It's Acorn letter and quarterly packet and then roster audit and then policy changes and training class time and �

(No 'And then!' Curses to Kenny who made me watch "Dude, Where's my Car?")

136 MoLs, 21 page fighter list. And Spring Tournament season hasn't started yet.

Still nothing in particular to do at work. Discussed potential assignments extensively with my boss and almost-boss (long story). I'm being very picky - I want something fun and challenging and (as I remind them all) after 3 years of sucking it up on my last project, I deserve a little latitude.

So I offered to pinch hit as systems engineer for the Integrated Mission Design center (We have a 'tiger team' group that will provide you a baseline spacecraft design in one week) - should keep me amused next week.

Gorgeous weather. Great day to pick up Jim and Scott, grab Greek food and buzz by the comic shop. And now, since I have nothing particular to do, I'm sitting at my desk with the newest Spiderman. I can't wait to see what Aunt May does next.

I can feel BdeB being jealous from here. Want me to tell you how it ends?

Scribble to Theo

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