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House and a shelf

2002-01-25 - 2:21 p.m.

Does this mean more carpet armor?

I think I just recruited the carpet cleaning guy.

Only I could get the carpets cleaned *and* manage to introduce someone to the SCA at the same time.

Kevin (great guy from the carpet cleaning firm I love) shows up this morning right on time (how rare is that? A work crew showing up ON TIME?) at 7:30 am. We walk through the house, do the ten minute discussion of what to clean and what to move, yadda, yadda, yadda...

Then I leave him to his work while I watch a Buffy rerun. I figure TV is good, at least until he gets to the familyroom.

Kevin finishes the upper floor and starts to set up for the TV room. Then he shyly says, You know those pictures in the upstairs hallway? If you don't mind my asking, I was really curious. The knights in armor clothes and stuff? That is the coolest thing I've ever seen. Ah, the collage of my Pelican ceremony. Shots of Roland, Nia, Rags, Kymber, Anne, Alan, Havordh, Meng and me. So I explain about the SCA. Just a few sentences and he gets the look.

You know the look - the one that says, I've been looking for something like that my entire life. He babbles on about his passion for medieval history. Then, he catches himself and gets back to work, cause he's on a tight schedule today.

While he cleans the downstairs, I write up contact information for his local group and a couple of the Kingdom and SCA websites. And, cause the printing shop got way too eager this month, I give him one of the extra Acorns that followed me home from the folding party.

He was incredibly enthused and grateful.

So, Roland sweetie, if a guy named Kevin calls wanting information about meeting someone at a local fight practice, that'd be our carpet cleaner. No, I didn't ask if he was a lefty.

But we'll probably get to see him again soon because I had ravoli for lunch. about two hours after Kevin left. And, I swear, it leaped out of my hand and created a huge splatter zone on the carpet.

[Insert intense swearing session here.]

Scribble to Theo

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