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2002-01-24 - 3:23 p.m.

Duckies and Hedgehogs

Another day at work. Another day without enough work to do.

I have to 'discuss further' one potential assignment. I'm really leary about taking this one, so they have to convince me I want the job. Straightened out a bunch of annoying computer problems and backed up the disk.

Okay, if I'm actually backing up files, you *know* I don't have enough to do.

In the meantime, I surf the corners of the WWW and come across dangerous and interesting things:

Want to tell me how to do my job? Sure you do!

Take the Public Survey for Input to the Planetary Decadal Survey

At the request of NASA, the National Research Council is conducting a planetary science community assessment of the priorities for the U.S. planetary research programs for the next 10 years. The Planetary Society has been asked to assist this "decadal survey" by seeking input from the general public about planetary exploration. Data must be input by January 31, 2002 to be counted on the survey.

C'mon - I know y'all are survey taking fools!

I helped Gen make cookies last night. (Read that I watched/coached while she did all the cooking and I did the finish work on Mel's hood. Love this arrangement.)

At first, she was all proper No, these are for the Trayned Bands. No weird shapes! Round, round, I say.

But then, then she saw the Duckie and the Hedgehog. Why do you have a hedgehog? ... Cause Francesca loves me and hedgehogs. And it was all downhill from there. Look at the cute little hearts! ... Do you have a gingerbread man? ... No, but I have that one shaped like Shakespeare's head. .... Oooooh! .... And this thing that makes smiley faced toast. .... No, no - but I like the leaf!

Geez, I'm sorry I ever brought up the squirrel thing!

Kimmie, my condolences. Whatever the heck Balynar and Byram have taken lately (guys, put down the cough syrup - you're hallucinating), try to survive!

Scribble to Theo

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