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2001-12-06 - 5:37 p.m.


Seen on the drive to Unevent: Xterra in screaming yellow with the license plate "TONKA".

I think I'll live. My ears have partially cleared, and I'm thinking about eating something besides soup. I called my secretary today to check in ..

You sound terrible!

But, but, really, I'm feeling much better than yesterday. I might come back to work tomorrow

If you're sure...

Nothing like friends to burst your bubble.

Really, I'm feeling better. I'm vaguely thinking of addressing some Christmas cards - which means productive lying on the couch rather than lying like a potato lump. And I've only emptied the tissue trashcan once today.

Of course, tomorrow is a goof-off day at work.

The poor kicked around team from my project is celebrating the demise by spending the day at Dave & Busters blowing up aliens, shooting pool, and eating a long lunch. Hey, our managers encouraged us to plan this.

So I want to go, but I don't feel up to bouncing around celebrating. And I have vague guilt about going in for the first time in a week only to blow off actual work.

Scribble to Theo

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