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Just for Pope Gregory...

Finding the nativity

An accelerated rate

To tell the secrets of my prison-house

House and a shelf

2001-12-05 - 8:30 p.m.

No more bubble

Last night the doorbell rings. The doorbell? No one visits sick people.

Hey, Rob, can you get that? If it's Gen, she can come in ...

In fact, it is Bubbles. Hi Gen! I'm not wearing any pants

Gen surveys my long sleep shirt and fuzzy socks I can see that. Hey after three days, the PJs had to go into the wash.

Gen, bless her brave heart, broke containment last night and brought a care package of more videos to watch and two more trashy romance novels. And my present a cute fridge magnet proclaiming "Your pet might be a space alien." What's Auntie Gen trying to say about Garibaldi cat?

In return, I gave Gen her U.K. gift/pet sitting bribe - a London National Gallery catalog and a nice pack of Elizabethan postcards.

I still feel like death on toast - but I feel 300% better than yesterday. Still having trouble sleeping. Still having incredibly bizarre dreams - bizarre even for me - and why is the Pope in all of them?

Let's see - today's activities: Two movies (Roxanne and Bed of Roses - thanks Gen). Read a lot of Margrete I (collection of articles on 14th/15th century Scandanvian countries). Let the carpet guy in.

Phone: Hello, ma'am. Our crew is in the area and has an extra hour - do you want him to take care of that carpet restretch today instead of Friday? What the heck - on the chance I can go back to work on Friday it'd be nice not to have to run home and meet the carpet crew. Half an hour of pound and clip noises and, viola, the large carpet bubble is gone. I think he stretched/cut off 3"/4".

Nap. More weird dreams. And naps are followed by horrible drainage consequences. Watch the first two tapes of Elizabeth R.

Blah. Can I please go back to work now? I might be able to work if I stop blowing my noise every ten minutes. Hack. Cough. Hack.

Mel owns a house! Congratulations Mel!

It's been a long saga, but she settled today. She has keys. She has a home!

And she can't go enjoy it yet cause she working long shifts on-site in downtown DC.

Scribble to Theo

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